[@Scarescrow] Glad you could see where we were coming from. I must admit that I'm not stoked to see Quantum physics and black hole interactions as the explanation for what's going on in your Sphere, but I'll talk to the other GMs about it and see what they think. Until then, you've got time make edits and hopefully take steps to address some of our qualms. We'll wait until you tell us that you're ready again, and then we can re-review your sheet. [@Goldeagle1221] for K'Nell [hider] There was talk of rejecting this concept as it was due to your god being extremely Sphere-centric. However, I'm of the opinion that you and I can probably get away with this where no others can, because the gods of death and sleep can just sit in their bases and everybody else is basically forced to (eventually) come see them. Now on that topic, your sheet does raise an interesting IC question of what K'Nell would do for beings that don't sleep, and a perhaps greater OOC question of how everybody will feel if their mortal characters are essentially forced to interact with yours on a regular basis. That latter one is worth thinking about, but perhaps we can handwave it by saying that K'Nell doesn't possibly have the time to personally visit any given person in many of their dreams, so most nights end up just being forgettable dreams that involve partying and alcohol or other random things. Further concern was raised by both BBeast and Muttonhawk about what you'd actually do on Galbar and on what you could do on the first few Turns before there's sleeping mortals running around. I'm not so worried because you've asked me about making the hallucinatory dreamscapes etc. and that's shown a willingness to leave Sleepyville and make tangible changes to Galbar, which I like very much. I've pointed that out to my fellow GMs; I'm sure their concerns will be at least somewhat alleviated now. Really, what I'm now concerned about is precisely the opposite--what are you going to do 5 turns in? What is the "game plan" so to speak, if all your god wants to do is party and troll dreaming people? It's a really achievable goal really, so good for him I guess, but is he going to just be content with that? Are you going to get bored writing about dream parties after a while and then run out of things to do? I hope you have some plot arcs in mind for later on. You know, on the Discord you just claimed that you were sure you'd met my Sphere criteria, but surprise! Finding things about Spheres to criticize is what makes my day. In your case, you actually have a cool Sphere idea. It has impact and I like the implementation, but my question-borderline-objection is just me wondering what the point is. What is it doing, really? What is K'Nell trying to achieve with these parties, what exact sort of things go on in these parties, how will these dream parties actually affect the lives of the sleepers that get pulled into them? All of this is left completely in the air. Perhaps that's on purpose because there is no point; perhaps you just figured it'd be better to answer those questions of mine IC, in which case I say fair enough. Maybe you could just tease the answer in your sheet, though! The Persona is interesting and certainly has potential, but it's just that--potential. You could easily end up not doing anything of note, and I sort of get into my logic behind that claim in the paragraph above. Re: Form, I think we got back to you about this, but if not then I'll tell you here that we decided to approve K'Nell taking on any form inside the Palace of Dreams, seeing as it's just a dream. If there's ever any instances where he tries to do something cheeky like pull someone fully into the Palace of Dreams so as to kill them there as a voodoo-doll means of killing their real body, perhaps this ability would be more questionable. But you've shown no indication of ever intending to have such a power, so I'll stop blathering about it. Overall this is quite good though. Don't let my mountain of musing, griping, and nitpicking bother you too much. Sheet accepted with some suggestions. [/hider]