[@Mataus] just a heads up, it's unlikely Greene would be able to tell Cassie was a Spartan-III from a glance, or even from her file, as she'd been swept under the Spartan-IV program to maintain the secrecy of the Spartan-III program. Unless he's been involved with Spartan-IIIs before, the best indicator he'd get that she's not quite what she appears to be is the fact that she holds an actual rank, as opposed to the other Spartan-IVs, who all hold the rank of Spartan. If he'd been around other Spartans he might also notice that she moves differently, on account of having had her augmentations far longer. one last thing and I hate to be nitpicky buuuut..... Cassie isn't in the same area as the others(yet), as she'd decided to spend some time in a different part of the ship from the Private Quarters.