Upon request by the author and for the integrity of the GM review process, feedback for [@Cyclone]'s character: [hider=Katharsos the Kute Killer Kitty] Your choice to write the CS freeform had nice style. That can tend to be annoying to compartmentalise but I'm glad you highlighted the words pertinent to the original CS template so I could refer to the sections quickly anyway. Thanks for that. How I'm seeing the take on the god of Death is one limited in capability to the traditional Grim Reaper; that of taking souls from dead bodies to move them onto the afterlife. I like the shake-up of the character being rather more emotionally involved than the traditionally detached the Grim Reaper (Book Thief narrators notwithstanding). Having a power over souls as you describe it makes a more vague than usual portfolio, but not too vague to make you flesh it out any further. The limitations that are there give sufficient definition. The Sky of Pyres is a cool sphere and a cool afterlife. The idea of the living looking up and seeing a star glint with the light of a recently departed relative is a nice idea, as is whatever beliefs could arise from cremation vs. burial vs. whatever else. It's odd (but not in a bad way) that the destiny of a soul is to burn, given all the Abrahamic stuff pushing burning of souls onto hell. I can see certain vested interests trying to reward virtuous souls with a nicer afterlife or reincarnation, or conversely punishing evil souls in an opposite manner. Or, you know, Chopstick Eyes'll just sell on the ashes to the Chthonics as part of some kind of IVF enterprise. The persona is something I would usually worry about from a player, given that Katharsos is rather reclusive, stoic, solemn, and dutybound. This does not make for a particularly proactive character. However, the reason I'm letting you get away with it is because you are a GM who is going to be playing the architect and you really should be using more of your free time getting other CS reviews done! Approved by me. [/hider] And hell, let's do [@BBeast]'s character, too: [hider=Ashalla sha-sha-sha-shalla shi shai sho shalla] The Abyss is a suitably inhospitable sphere, true to its Earthly namesake. I've seen documentaries of those dark places and they are weird and wonderful. Non-deities are going to need some serious kit to survive down there, but it's shaping out to be quite a nexus for the Chthonic spheres. Maybe we will see one sooner or later, buried at sea, eaten by sharks and fish and ultimately sinking below that which their soul can grasp out to the Pyres. The undead adventures of Davy Jones. The ocean portfolio is clear as crystal. It all makes sense to be and I don't doubt you'll have plenty to do. While the temptation to call the persona a rule 63 Poseidon is damn tempting, there's a little more nuance in that. You've got a goddess with just enough insecurities to make a real mess and still learn from it emotionally, and that's sufficient for just about any character here in a broad sense. You'll just have to forge those relations with other deities to make that happen, even if it means throwing a tsunami here and there. Then again, like I said for Cyclone, there's less pressure on you, being a GM and all. Approved by me. [/hider] And before you gooses honk at me for being too easy at approvals, I'll put it out there that I've rebuffed the least number of CSs behind the scenes than both the other GMs. Fite me, boi.