[h1]Karn/Edarn | Tenrou Island [/h1] [@Burthstone][@MarshiestMallow] [@everyone else] [hr] Everything seemed to happen so fast, one moment he was being clinched to and folks trying to stop his excitement, the next a dragon appeared. Which of course only got him more excited, so excited he did not register Sasha’s orders nor Mayt’s Nudging. His green eyes just gazed in awe, studying the beast as it broke from the spell. Slayers moving in to confront the great mythical beast. [color=springgreen][i]”Snap out of it you idiot!”[/i][/color] Karn could hear within his mind of his Edolas version that was trapped within him. Blinking a bit as she managed to snap him out of his daze, the currently chimera formed beast shook his head. His friends needed help... and then the memory back to Zero and Zenoram’s father entered his mind. Watching as tre poisoned dragon died... and he felt unwilling to fight another. Yet he was a slayer. With the magic power to help his friends. He had to do something for the friends who took him in.. when he had been on his own. Large jaws curling, his eyes glanced to Mithera and Trinity. [color=lime]”Hang on... or stand back.”[/color] Karn instructed before he closed his eyes. His magical energy spiking up tremendously. And anyone could tell, he was using most of his magic in this one instance. Then, his eyes snapped open, a snarl rising in his throat. Furred body disappearing in a flash and his body growing in size. No longer the form of a Eastern Chimera... but growing bigger and bigger. Thick scales covering his body as he took form as a copy of the dragon attacking his friends. Already, he could feel his magic draining in speed by the sheer size his form brought. Yet he let out a ferocious roar, charging foreword in order to crash into the dragon opponent. Teeth open to snap at the dragon’s neck and in hopes to at least pin down the dragon. He was getting dizzy. It wouldn’t be long until he was forced to release this form without risking his life and Edarn’s. [hr] [h1]Prince | Tenrou Island [/h1] For the most part, Prince was watching the events unfold with a mild interest. Eating from a bag of popcorn, the feline gave a mrrr of amusement. [color=aqua]”I dare say, this will be a tale to tell back home. Fighting dragons. Exciting.”[/color] the red haired man mused as he then tossed the popcorn and pulled out a journal, scribbling things down in it. Easily sidestepping out of the way of falling debri or the like.