[@Cultural Titan][@Lucky] Depends on integration rate, for Dragons’ speed. On average, a Pilot will have anywhere from 60-70% integration with their AION. At that level, think of controlling it like a very tightly-controlled video game; some input lag, but very little. At 100% integration, it’s completely 1:1. The Dragon moves just as fast, just as reflexively as you do. Going above that, there are added benefits, but also downsides. The higher you go above 100%, the more integrated with the Dragon you are, to the point you suffer “synchronization,” experiencing the same injuries on your own body as your Dragon does. Get above 200%, and you’re exceedingly powerful, but you also risk suffering “terminal integration.” You cannot be extricated from your Dragon anymore, or worse, you’re consumed instantly, forever a part of your machine, alive or dead. Integration rate rises the farther you push yourself. Going past the bounds of exhaustion, overusing your Dragon’s powers, trying to force it to do something against its will, high stress levels- all of these can increase integration past safe levels. And I don’t think I need to mention, after everything I’ve said, but Pilots are onboard with their Dragons in most engagements. Since they’re living beings, however, they can be ordered via remote command by their Pilot, for independent actions. They’re simply much more effective with a Pilot onboard.