Back in New York, Jack had been a night owl, but since he joined MAX FIRE he had learned to adjust a more morning-focused schedule. He wasn't crazy enough to get up at 5AM every day like Victor, but it was still an improvement over spending weekends and breaks waking up at [i]1PM.[/i] Thus, when Jack's alarm rang, he woke up and immediately set about his routine. While some part of him continued to wake up and marvel at the fact that he was going to fight giant monsters today, and the next day, and the next, those thoughts were dashed as he headed to the lounge. He had spent a good portion of last night at a local arcade, playing some rounds of Galaga, 1943, Final Fight, After Burner, the works. But he also remembered that Corinne had gone to the SAME arcade that SAME night. Apparently there was a Pac-Man contest there. Jack was one of the few people in the world who wasn't really a fan of Pac-Man. He was more of a shooter, beat 'em up, or platformer guy. Which was why, as he headed down to the lounge, he was flabbergasted to see Corinne not only still in the clothes he had seen her in last night, not only being obscenely loud, but also holding the trophy from the Pac-Man competition. He had left before the contest kicked into high gear (partly to get away from Corinne, because he KNEW that if he revealed his presence to her there, without any other teammates to back him up, he'd regret whatever followed), but he didn't imagine that she'd WIN THE WHOLE THING! Hell, had she even SLEPT since then?! That said, he found her antics sort of endearing at the same time. Perhaps a bit unprofessional, but it wasn't like they were on giant monster duty yet. She could take some time to cut loose. He just hoped that she didn't pop a blood vessel with how high-strung she was. But whatever. Time for food. Jack eagerly got in line, and when it was his turn to pick, he piled his plate high with calories. Three pancakes with syrup and butter, a spinach/cheese/mushroom omelette, homefries, two beef sausages, a cup of coffee, and a glass of water. This was an ordinary breakfast for him. He saw Victor and Michel parked at the same table, and decided to head over there. Then he noticed Michel was in a straitjacket. He knew the world was at stake, but the idea of child soldiers still rubbed him the wrong way. Still, it wasn't like complaining to the higher-ups would get him anywhere, and, well, Prometheon was already built. It wasn't like he could just [i]undo[/i] that. So he decided to stay friendly. "Hey guys," he said to the pair as he sat down across from Victor, with his plate piled high with food. He looked to Michel and asked, "Another test?" As was usual, he fidgeted from time to time over the course of the conversation. This time, his feet were shifting under the table, as if unsure where they should go.