With regards to why characters may have been allowed to interact with each other - [url=https://scripttorture.tumblr.com/post/163442981666/solitary-confinement]this[/url] post goes over some of the effects of solitary confinement. If the folks at Daedalus wanted Team Freak to maintain at least some degree of functionality (a super soldiers no good if he kills himself first chance he gets, and you [i]probably[/i] don't want your super humans to start hallucinating), at least [i]some[/i] degree of care for their well being would probably be required. Super humans are, after all, essentially still human. The same reason why you feed your prisoners and you let them sleep - if you [i]don't[/i], chances are they're not going to last very long, are certainly going to get very ill in the mean time. Hence why in my CS, I tried to keep it so that most of the mistreatment was down to the actual procedures being carried out - like any scientist, the Daedalus scientists would likely want to avoid introducing unnecessary confounding variables, as it would add uncertainty to any results. Evil and unethical science should still try and stick to the scientific method, especially when there are large amounts of money involved and higher ups demanding results. [url=https://scripttorture.tumblr.com/post/170491449400/i-have-a-character-who-was-never-held-as-a-child]This[/url] post talks a bit about things that should probably be considered when writing about unethical experimentation. A big drive for scientists of any stroke, ethical or less so, is [i]funding[/i] - they want to keep putting food on the table, same as anybody else in any other job. If their subjects are too messed up to be useful, or if their method is riddled with confounding variables - that's bad science, and bad science gets called out pretty regularly in the scientific community. If this happens, Daedalus is [i]not[/i] going to want to fund any more research by the individual(s) in question.