Well this looks silky as fresh churned butter. Mind if I throw this in? [hider=Character app] Name: Slim Pickens Species: Half-Elf … Well, maybe not quite half. Quarter maybe? There’s at least an eighth-elf in there somewhere. Faction: Pirates Synopsis of Character: Too pretty to be all human, but nowhere near pretty enough to be mistaken for an elf, Slim’s appearance is a juxtaposition of the mythical and the humdrum. Easy going, charming, and ever ready with a joke, Slim’s warm demeanour hides his more opportunistic, carnivorous nature. Wherever he goes the faint, yet unmistakable fragrance of alpine trees always seems to follow him. Synopsis of Role: Slim’s role on the ship is … is … well nobody is quite sure just [b]what[/b] his exact role is. Just as the watched pot never boils, Slim can almost never be found working. No swabbing the poop deck for this half-elf, nor will he be spotted assisting the cook making the evenings repast, and while he is pretty tasty in a fight he very rarely joins in the heat of a fracas, preferring to let his [i]‘meatier’[/i] crewmates handle that . What is for certain is that Slim is charming, witty, and always ready for a con. Whenever the ship has a scam that requires a touch more finesse than your average boarding action, Slim’s usually involved. He also has a knack for getting into places that he really shouldn’t be in. Relation to Ship/Crew: He’s on the ship, and that’s about all anyone can say on the matter. [/hider]