[s]An unnatural void[/s] "████?" [i]She[/i] called the girl's name. [b]"Huh?"[/b] The girl looked up. Her face blank. "Is everything alright, honey? Your face went all pale." [i]He[/i] joined the conversation in worry. [b]"I..."[/b] The girl hesitated. For a fleeting instant, her entire being felt utterly, thoroughly, confused. [b]"I..."[/b] She smiled. [b]"I'm good! Don't worry, let's just dig in!"[/b] Without further ado, the family of three clasped their hands together and made their prayers. Words that the girl [s]w[/s]couldn't comprehend, but happy nonetheless — which was all that mattered. Happy memories, and many more to follow... [hr] Her vision was blurry. Her body in pain. Her head was ringing. The voices hastily talking beside Muu not helping her cause. Something smelled bad. [i]Disgusting.[/i] Green? Red? Did it matter? Was she dying? No. Someone held her firm, but gentle. Urgh. Why couldn't they just let her sleep? Everything was uncomfortable, at least in her dreams she could feel at peace. [hr] [b]"Mommy, I'm scared..."[/b] The girl flinched as she witnessed the lifeless iron change into a fierce orange-white. It was warm. "You know we love you baby girl!" The father responded. "It might sting a little, but it's all for the best. You're a strong girl, aren't you" The mother gave her a warm smile. [b]"But but..."[/b] Wasn't this wr- [b]No.[/b] She was a strong girl! And her parents loved her. This was just part of growing up. It was wonderful! [b]"Fine! Bring. It. On. I, ████████, won't even cry!"[/b] Exposing her thigh and putting a piece of fabric into her mouth, she was ready for anything! "We love you!" In unison, the two adults thrusted the iron forward. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt. Hot! Hot! Hot! [hr] Cold! [b]"Pwuah!?"[/b] The water was cold! In an instant, the brunette felt awake. Firm hands holding her. [b]"H-Hey!"[/b] She wanted to complain, but only a whisper came out of her mouth as a bunch of weirdos scrubbed her clean in rough fashion. [b]"It hurts..."[/b] Speaking those strangely familiar voice, Muu could feel an immense pain coming from her stomach area. Yet, before she knew it, her consciousness already drifted away again. [hr] "N-No!" The painful scream of her mother. "STOP!" The pitiful wrath of her father. "Urgh..." The crimson of red. It began in an instant, and was over in a second. The blood of her parents splattered over the little girl's face as she could only watch helplessly. Words couldn't describe what she felt right now. Anger? Fear? Grief? Denial? All of it together? Did it even matter? Even as every single cell in her body told her to run away, her legs were weak. She could only watch as the raven-haired man with a silver strand that broke into their home cleaned his blade on her mother's favourite dress. And then he turned to her. Slowly, but surely. [b]"N-No..."[/b] The girl stammered as she tried to get away. Her weak legs pushing against the crimson floor. [b]"S-Stay away...!"[/b] But the one who ruined her happy place did not stay away. Instead, with five quick steps he already towered above the girl. Crouching down to her height, the girl prepared for the worst — yet it never came. "Good enough" He said instead, lifting her chin up as to inspect her closer. [hr] [b]"...!"[/b] In an instant, Muu jolted up. She was awake, in bed, alive. Everything seemed (relatively) okay. Right. The forest, her two companions, the gate, and then... this? Not to mention just now, didn't she have a bad dream? The brunette wasn't quite sure, couldn't remember. All that was left were a hunch of strange feelings in her chest. White light from the outside indicated it was day-time. Just how long had she been out...?