[center][h1]Places[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [right][h2]Weirn[/h2][/right] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/988/790/large/vladimir-manyukhin-2-3.jpg?1468180530[/img] [i]”We speak of the Kings in the North as if they were legends, as if they had died the very moment we mention them. They sit in their halls watching Orimmir and the lands of Horimir beyond, protecting the Southern Kingdoms while they squabble over farmlands and forests. They train their soldiers to fight, to die for their king and queen, to leave behind a legacy and measure one’s worth not in coin but in heads they’ve cut off. Their women and children understand well that they very well might not see their Father the next day, that their neighbors could just as easily die form a raid as from illness. Yet they have not request we pay them any tributes, no tithes for protection nor feasts in their honor. The Kings of Weirn are living legends each in their own rights. “[/i] Long have the northern lands of Weirn ruled freely over themselves, bowing to none of the Southern Kingdoms nor the tribes of Horimir. The cities of Weirn are believed to have been the first established settlements of Man, built long before history was ever recorded. Though the original foundations have become nothing more than ruins, stones jutting out of the imposing mountain range, the cities are ancient nonetheless. The Kings of Weirn are no less ancient, their bloodlines long and storied in their Great Wars against the Horimir and even some detailing skirmishes into the Southern Lands. Of these lands exist seven major cities, protectors of the passes through Orimmir which the Horimir may take south. Of these seven, there exist three which stand above all else. The grand fortress of the north, Normundr. The bustling trade city and meeting spot of the Kings, Vernthouth. Last of all, the grand port city of Haev. Though these three have more influence over Weirn as a whole, it is noted that their relationship is more or less symbiotic. Due to Normundr’s position in the far north, they rely on the fishing and farming surplus from Vernthouth and Haev to survive, Vernthouth in turn relies on Haev for its connection to the Terrimmir Sea. [hider=Normundr] [h3]Normundr[/h3] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/012/090/462/large/jongmin-ahn-snow-castle.jpg?1532987156[/img] The fortress of Normundr is a rarity, a relic of the First Great War and one of the only cities located beyond Orimmir. Built on the orders of King Norim, Normundr is a bustling cities whose walls keep out foul winds and Horimir alike. Originally built as a military outpost, Normundr was meant to be abandoned after the First Great War however the looming threat of the Horimir pushed King Norim to declare the city his seat of power. Since then Normundr has weathered two more Great Wars, its walls never failing nor its people falling to the Horimir. From the great city has come some of the best warriors of Weirn, Hagrir’s Rangers. The Rangers are legends among the cities of Weir as the elite fighting force of the current King of Normundr, Hagrir. All Rangers are handpicked by Hagrir and trained for years to hone their skills and train them how to fight the Horimir in their homelands. Many of the Rangers are skilled with both bow and sword, though few choose to learn what magic they can to supplement their ability in combat. Hagrir himself is nothing less than a legend among the Kings, a man aged sixty on the front lines of battle with almost double his age in kills. [/hider] [hider=Vernthouth] [h3]Vernthouth[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MhgLE9U.jpg[/img] Vernthouth is one of the few major cities of Weirn which stands not as a primary defense against the Horimir but as a hub for all the cities to remain connected. Its position further south of the Orimmir mountains put it in a prime location to connect all the other cities together through basic roads and provide support to them from its large farmlands. Over time, Vernthouth became in the main connection of the Kings of Weirn to the Southern Kingdom, many travellers first entering Weirn through its gates to travel beyond. Even then, the Southern Kingdoms gladly traded with Weirn through Vernthouth and the desire for the minerals and gems of the otherwise untouched Orimmir mountains has cause a rise in mines being built from foreign sources, with the approval of the Kings of course. Despite all this, none should ever forget that Vernthouth is a city of Weirn and seat of one of its leaders. All in Vernthouth old enough to hold a sword or bow have been trained with, though few face battle, as a deterrent to the Southern Kingdoms and a fighting force against the Horimir should some make it south of the mountains. Its military is also one of the few forces solely dedicated to tracking down Horimir bands in the land of Weirn rather than stopping them at the mountains. However, Vernthouth has been in troubled times after the death of its king and his son, leaving Queen Relia to rule as regent. Though many are willing to follow the Queen, there has been much competition and even subversive actions against those in line to become King. Few remain among the ranks of Vernthouth’s military with a headcount high enough to become King, fewer even willing to follow those who sit at the top. [/hider] [hider=Haev] [h3]Haev[/h3] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/507/731/large/jordan-grimmer-tron41-vboat2-2.jpg?1447685644[/img] Of all the cities of Weirn, Haev is by far one of the most isolated yet most important of its lands, both for the fish it provides and the iron it mines from Orimmir. The Southern Kingdoms best know Haev as the City of Iron, a city whose primary function has long been as smiths for the armies of Weirn. Few of the Kings dared to delve into the ancient Orimmir Mountains -their imposing heights creating many superstitions still held to this day- however King Yulis Haev was the first to send his men into the Mountains after the First Great War. It was Yulis who found its rich iron deposits and even delved far enough to find silver and gold to help in trade with the Southern Kingdoms. It was Yulis who began to offer his resources to the other Kings of Weirn. Haev has since grown, its isolation from its brother and sister cities of Weirn lending to their drive to fortify their position. Though Haev has seen less fighting than the other cities, they have been consistently pressured by the Southern Kingdoms to provide their services, of no cost of course. Even in the early years Haev had to deal with multiple attempts to be infiltrated or sabotaged by the greed of the Southerners yet none have succeeded. [/hider] [hider=The Mire] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c8/dc/f6/c8dcf688078302006c49adff51ce29b0.jpg[/img] The northern border of the lands of Ioria and the southern of Weirn, the Mire acts as the divide between the two lands of this world. The large stretch of marshlands and swamps known as the Mire has long been a standing reason that Weirn has stayed separate from the kingdoms of Ioria; one of the reasons the kingdoms of Ioria have yet to try and invade Weirn as well. Some just say the Mire is a simple marshland and the one should not fear however many scholars and any intelligent warrior knows different. The Mire is, in fact, a massive trap for any who enter. The lands of the Mire itself aren’t dangerous as there are multiple ways to navigate the flood-lands and swamps and it is easy enough to keep track of each other. The true danger of the Mire, however, lies in the many creatures which lay in wait in the water and often drag down any who pass by. The swamps of the Mire are equally as dangerous with the many dark trees hiding creatures not known in the lands of Ioria, creatures which can easily kill the unaware. Such dangers has led to the Mire being deemed a dead-zone, a crossing for those who wish to die. It is much safer to go through the roads near the coasts or simply by boat to Weirn. [/hider] [hider=Orimmir Mountains] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/003/690/519/large/emmanuel-bouley-the-watchers.jpg?1476463322[/img] [i]”The Old Ways in Weirn say that the Gods stood atop the Orimmir Mountains and looked down upon their creation upon the end of their work. They had blessed this land with life and left it to flourish, given it light to save us from the dark, and driven the Ancient Gods from their thrones. In the last moment before they rested on their claimed land, they created the Orimmirs to mark the heights by which they had ascended.”[/i] The Orimmir Mountains loom over the land of Weirn as an ever present memorial to all those that had been lost protecting their land from what lay beyond. The natural barrier between Horimir and Weirn has long stymied the tide of barbarians who’ve long pined for the lands beyond. Many places of the range are near impossible to climb, both down to the cold and sheer heights which they reach. However, there are those who have built their monasteries to the Old Ways in the heights, their patronage often making pilgrimages between them throughout the years. [/hider] [right][h2]Ioria[/h2][/right] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/006/593/062/large/jongmin-ahn-1-3.jpg?1499777605[/img] [i]What is better than the rolling hills of Ioria, the green pastures and beautiful scenes which have struck many with muses. Great artists tell of Ioria as a land as wondrous as a beautiful woman, though personally it is probably more like a beautiful bit of land but still. Here the Kings rule themselves and war teeters on the edge of everyone’s minds, the Imperium and Eroammir always at each other’s throats. Still, it is where many of the realms call home.[/i] Ioria is a land of plains and forests, its lands rarely broken by rocky outcroppings one might make for mountains were it not for the looming presence of the Ghenna Mountains in the far distance. Many of the people of this world call Ioria home, its vast lands inhabited my numerous races. Most unique of all, however, may be the presence of the three great powers of Ioria: Keirous, the Imperium, and Eroammir. While there are various other, smaller, lands scattered throughout Ioria, many are aware that the three could crush them in an instant if they so wished. However long has the Imperium and Eroammir been at each other’s throats allowing for various other nations to rise in power and take control of what lands they two had not claimed. The ever present and mysterious Keirous, however, has become an ever looming threat for both as rumors spread of their growing strength from beyond the Aouril plains. [hider=Kingdom of Eroammir] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/007/884/933/large/eliott-bon-raarara.jpg?1509132367[/img] Eroammir, the First Kingdom of Man. The very name has long reminded others of its great conquests, of the wars which allowed it to become the power in Ioria it is now. In the First Era which marked man’s arrival in Ioria and Weirn, Eroammir was nothing but a few united tribes on the Emerald Coast. Few ever thought they would rise to glory, few ever thought they would stand with the Imperium. Under the unity of Eroammir and his sons, the Kingdom prospered, slowly gaining land and alliances. It is now in the Fourth Era and Eroammir is one of the three most powerful Kingdoms in all of Ioria, its lands stretching along the Emerald coast and to the Ghenna mountains. Its people do not fear famine or war as they sit in peace, a peace long held by their treaty with the Imperium. However, its lands are not as glorious as they may seem. Inside some of the largest cities its citizens cheer for the bloodsports which fuels their country, their slaves and criminals fighting for a chance at freedom. There is no glory in the combat, no winner as many more may die the next fight who were so close to freedom. Even a single mistake can send one to the Pits, a single stolen loaf more than enough to end a being’s life. Their bloodsports may attract many however there are few who fail to recognize the craftsmen of Eroammir; the many men and women who toil for hours to create works of art which people yearn for all across the continent. Even their blacksmiths are nothing to turn one’s nose at, some nearly as skilled as those who practice in Haev. All the glories which have come from Eroammir, however, cannot keep the tensions with the Imperium from rising. Even as King Emir continues his talks with the Elves in his growing age, his own son seeks to undermine him. Rumors float from village to village of skirmishes along the Ghenna mountains, the neutral zone for the two empires, and souring attitudes towards the Imperium. Some say that Prince Emil seeks war simply for the taste of battle, some say he desires the knowledge so hoarded by the Imperium. What is known, however, is that war may be brewing for the two. [/hider] [hider=The Imperium of Ashae] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/004/190/116/large/klaus-pillon-paradus-final.jpg?1481189413[/img] Before the First Era war racked the lands of Ioria; the Elves fighting themselves and eventually fighting even the Humans as they descended upon the lands. The lawless times have allowed for much of early history to be forgotten, burned in the near constant raids the cities and tribes performed. Despite this, however, it is well understood that an ancient figure of the Imperium rose from the chaos, Queen Ashae. Queen Ashae was the first of the Elves to propose unity, to form the Imperium and rule it in face of the Human hordes. Though she was met with resistance, the Imperium was eventually formed and the dissenters placated with promises of land, glory, or wealth. From its earliest history the Imperium has sought nothing but to bring ‘order’ to Ioria, the lands that the Elves have long believed their right. It war and battles with the Humans and, eventually, the Kingdom of Eroammir has long been waged under this belief. The battles, however, have long since devolved into stalemates or been quashed by higher ups, fearing disrupting the trade which has flourished between the two Kingdoms. In fact, it is rather common to find small Lords in the Imperium raiding Eroammir more as [i]fun[/i] rather than any actual attempt to quash the human growth on Ioria. The relative peace between the Imperium and Eroammir is much believed to have sprung from the arenas of Eroammir, the glory of the blood sports serving stave off both nobles and commoners bloodlust. From this mutual enjoyment, however, has sprung a trade of people between the Imperium and Eroammir, the former offering its criminals as combatants. There are, however, a sect of Elvish nobles who find the trade disgusting and treason as selling off their own to the very same people their nation was built to exterminate has soured many relations in the Imperium. No trade deal or sum of money has removed the black mark of what some Lords of the Imperium consider a defeat at the hands of the human, having been forced into a treaty for the sake of their own stability. Some believe that now is the time that they must strike, now is the time that must rid Ioria of the Humans and achieve their birthright. [/hider] [hider=Keirous] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/010/064/003/large/andreas-rocha-tower01.jpg?1522356571[/img] Far beyond the reach of both the Imperium and Eroammir sits the mysterious lands of Keirous, its people flourishing even in light of the wars in Ioria. Beyond the Aouril plains to the south of Eroammir and the Imperium stretches the Maw, the only known boundary to Keirous and a massive ravine that spans near the entire of Ioria’s southern stretch. Keirous uses the Maw as a natural line of defence against any who wish to enter its lands, peaceful or not. Much of Keirous’ nature is a mystery even to those few who have been to the nation for few places allowed to outsiders and little information let slip through closed mouths. What has been gatherd, however, paints Keirous as a place more diverse and… unnatural to the rest of Ioria. Only in Keirous is each of its races represented by their own officials, only in Keirous do the officials [i]vote[/i] on laws and legislation. Only in Keirous are all races welcomed. It should not be mistake that all races are treated equally in Keirous, however, for there are many tensions between the races. Rather than splitting in their unions, however, the people of Keirous settle disputes in skirmishes against each other, Tribe versus tribe, lord versus lord, it matters not who dies and who fights as long as they agree their disputes settle as a result. As such Keirous seems to be a lawless land where little care is given towards criminals and even less towards actual disputes. Rather, the few allowed inside of Keirous have found that it is less a nation and more a loose unity of city states and tribes, all agreeing to avoid all out war with each other for undefined reasons. Even then, however, its people are free to live as they so wish and even the Orsiri have been found to be more civilized in Keirous. Most peculiar of all, however, is the whispers of a land [i]beyond[/i] Keirous, a desert so vast that none have survived the expeditions into it. Some believe foul creatures of an ancient time roam the desert, large stone beings which seem to move and think of their own volition. Whatever lies beyond Keirous, however, is unknown as no outsider has even been allowed to travel that far in. [/hider] [hider=Ghenna Mountains] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a5/dc/ad/a5dcada202840be8c7fe1e5eaf715c19.jpg[/img] Long have the Ghenna Mountains stood as a wall between Eroammir and the Imperium, a grand division in the land of Ioria. The Ghenna Mountains are believed to have earned their name from an ancient Elvish hero who had climbed the mountains as part of a prophecy from their Gods. Though the legend is often believed to have been little more than a lesson on the following the will of the Gods- and the dangers that come with it- the name has since stuck even with it being a land occupied by the Dwarves. It is true, in fact, that most of the Dwarven population of Ioria lives in the Ghenna Mountains and have long acted as a neutral land between Eroammir and the Imperium The land of Ghenna is so neutral, in fact, that they have long allowed the establishment of the Sacred Flame and the Order in a large citadel-monastery atop Farron Peak. The Order often trains various soldiers from Farron Peak to be sent out in deployment months later, often seeking to act as intermittent help to troubled people or act as a neutral party in disagreements. Farron Peak is not, however, the only citadel which the Order has in the Ghenna Mountains but is considered its center and home to the five generals which run it. The Order is lucky, however, that they were established in the Ghenna mountains before the Dwarven Clans truly began to bicker over land and mine rights. The Crestel Clan has become a notorious -or famous depending on who one asks- group in Ghenna as they’ve established many mines over the years and control one of the largest and most successful of the mine in Ghenna. Since then they have pushed to claim as much land as possible, though have been met with resistance at every point. The Ghenna mountains are, after all, only big enough for a few. The many are reserved for Orimmir. [/hider] [hider=Aouril Plains] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c8/9e/08/c89e08d5e8673ac96d5b246c4b7633e2.jpg[/img] The great waves of golden grass and roaming herds of oxen and antelope have long been an attraction to the Aouril Plains. A misleading and deadly attraction to many, however. It should not be mistaken that the Aouril Plains are a dangerous place simply because it seems like a peaceful land for the Orisiri have long resided here, long established their dominance over it. Few have ever been allowed safe passage through the Aouril Plains by the Orisiri, most meeting their death quickly. Fewer even have ever come back from the trek through the Plains to the lands of Keirous. The Aouril Plains is one of the largest, unbroken lands of Ioria with little in the way of rocky outcroppings or rivers. It’s golden grass is a year long phenomenon caused by the warm climate of the area and the alternating seasons of rainfall and calm. Scholars believe that part of this weather is caused by its location so far south and that, were it a forest, it’d be more like a jungle than anything else. However, such things hardly matter to life in the Aouril Plains as, more often than not, the rainy season often brings out various beasts which live beneath the muddy ground. There are even some which alternate their activity on whether it is rainy or dry on the land above making it hard to predict when or where an attack will come from. With the Aouril Plains being as large as it is, recorded at stretching the full two hundred some odd feet from coast to coast, it is near impossible to tell when or where an Orisiri tribe will be either. They could just as well strike from the Plains borders near the Ghenna Mountains or simply ‘fly’ over the rolling hills at a moment’s notice. All it takes is a moment’s notice to wipe out a caravan, after all. [/hider] [hider=The Maw] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/227/341/large/heewann-kim-.jpg?1443926868[/img] There stretches a canyon at the edge of the Aouril Plains, a monstrosity in its own right and a separation between Keirous and the rest of Ioria. A river runs deep through the Maw from a lake above, a beautiful sight for all who beholds as is. The red rock of the canyon has long acted as the boundary for the lands of Keirous, both for their lands and the access to it. Rarely do any find a way over the canyon without meeting resistance from the forces of Keirous, rarely would any consider trying to climb down the Maw. None have ever returned from such feats, after all. The Maw is deeper than any ravine in the known world and even the river below seems unreachable to all who have ever looked upon it. The true danger, however, is not the depths of the Maw rather what lives below. As one climbs down the Maw they will encounter various magical creatures which live down there have been molded by their life in the canyon. Many are capable of flying and have taken in living in the many caves below, some more gliders likely to pick off prey quickly. Truly none have ever come back from a dive into the Maw. [/hider]