[center][h1]Races[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [right][h2]Humans[/h2][/right] [hider=Humans] [right][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/24/de/83/24de831c71639bbed3c4f2ae135419d6.jpg[/img][/right] [i]None would say that the Humans are anything special, they aren’t particularly beautiful or strong, nor hardy or fast. No, what makes Humans unique has been their spirit, their drive to complete their goals. Some are level-headed, some more like bulls. All equally dangerous if angered.[/i] Long have Humans lived on the lands of Weirn and Ioria, long have they thrived in light of a world as uncompromising and volatile as that of Hurin. The Humans of Hurin have a long history that stretches back to before the First Era, before the War of Giants. Though the tales of old have been twisted into fairytales, legends in their own right, there lies seeds of truth waiting to take root through the study of the scholars. Most important of all, however, is likely the tale of the Arrival and the Voyage. It is believed that in ages long lost the Humans had sailed the Terimmir Sea, coming from a land whose position and geology has long been lost to time. The Voyage was arduous for Humankind, many dying by the vicious sea beasts which roam the Terimmir or simply through starvation. It is believed that, during this time, Humans had crossed the Sea for near two decades, only making landfall on sparse islands for food and fresh water. It was not until the end of the Voyage that the Humans learned of Weirn and, by extension, Ioria. Legend speaks that their Gods rose from the seafoam and led them to Weirn, to a land of lush plains and fertile fields. The Arrival marked the landfall of Humans upon the land of Weirn and, to some, is believed to be the very origin from which their ancestors rose. The legend, however, has been denied by many due to the inconsistencies which have arisen in many years of study. The Arrival often tells of Humans not landing in Weirn proper rather disembarking in the lands of Horimir and, in finding it a lush land teeming with life, settled upon its plains. However, all recorded history and even some ancient pictographs detail Horimir as a land of ice and waste, only inhabited by the humans of the same name. From this split many theories on the true origin of humanity, each holding little to no real credibility however none proven false. [/hider] [right][h2]Elves[/h2][/right] [hider=Elves] [right][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/27/e4/c2/27e4c2a9da59c4b0c2c45cb17264b854.jpg[/img][/right] [i]Fair skinned and beautiful, the Elves were rulers of Ioria before the rowdy Humans came. Their bronze skin and refined features have often lead to many becoming muses for great artists. Or simply flaunting it at court for support of others.[/i] Before the Rise of Man, before the first Dwarven fortress towered in the mountains, there had been the Elves of Ioria in all their splendor. It is not to be misunderstood that the Elves of Ioria were a peaceful and united race nor were they always as glorious as the height of the Imperium. Rather, the Elves have spent ages warring with themselves from the Iron Coast to the Emerald, from the Mire to the Aouril Plains. The land Ioria have always been their home, their birthright some might say, and yet none could quite unite the lands. In the ages before the First Era, the Elves had spread across the lands of Ioria, never quite crossing the Mire into Wiern. During this time there were many wars mentioned in ancient retellings, legends of a battlefield so vast that not even the crows could feats on it all. The study of magic was a forbidden on in this time, a heresy among many of the disjointed religions of the time. The only exemption from these legends is often marked as a hero by the name of Ghenna, best known among the Elves for his proliferation of magical knowledge and inherent strength with magic. Though it is dubious to many scholars that such a hero exist- or at the very least exists as the legends describe him- it is reasonable to assume that some even before the Rise of Man had proliferated magic study among the Elves. In the following years leading to the First Era, it is believed that many magical knowledge now known was discovered in some form during unwritten and uncontrolled study. Many speculations are as to when Rune Magic was originally discovered by the Elves however, due to secretive nature of such knowledge, there is little information on what scale they had used it in. [/hider] [right][h2]Dwarves[/h2][/right] [hider=Dwarves] [right][img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/012/204/555/large/sebastian-schmidt-for-hearth-and-home-final.jpg?1533597064[/img][/right] [i]The Elves will tell you that the ‘little people’ are nothing special, that they had come out of the valleys of the Ghenna Mountains during their war with the Humans. The Dwarves truly were nothing special, as stout and short as a barrel yet as stubborn as stone. Yet, what intrigued most people were their immutable nature and drive for perfection. Some Dwarves would go so far as to work themselves to death for their craft. Or just drink themselves to death in a contest.[/i] The history of Dwarves isn’t an interesting one nor is it exactly a long one. Rather, the Dwarves had long lived in the Ghenna Mountains as peaceful farmers and herders, never quite bothered by the Elves nor intent on bothering them. In what little interactions the Dwarves had with the Elves before the First Era, the Dwarves had always attempted to stay neutral between the warring cities. If one would ask them to sell them food, then they would. If a better price was offered, the flow of grain would change. However, as time went on some of the Dwarven Clans decided to invest more heavily into the development of mines into the Mountains, the claim the rich ores which lay beneath. Unlike some grand story of how the Dwarven greed drove them near to extinction, the Dwarves found a near opposite. The stone of yielded little in ore and their early processes yielded even less iron. The investments rarely paid off, at least not until the Crestel Clan struck the richest vein in the Mountains. The Crestel Clan had been smaller and more or less broke compared to the rest, barely even capable of running their own farm let alone smithing iron ore. Yet this strike of luck has led to the rise of the greatest of the Dwarven Clans in known history. The Crestel Clan has, since this stroke of luck, become the large seller of iron ore and high quality metalworking in all of Ioria, some say even in Weirn. [/hider] [right][h2]Tieflings[/h2][/right] [hider=Tiefling] [right][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d9/90/7d/d9907dc3c972b7276868b0feb6abd96e.jpg[/img][/right] [i]What tainted origins lie beyond the faces of the Tieflings? None may ever know, none may ever discover the truth of their creation. All that is known is that some believe they are demons, some believe they talk to beings beyond the material plane.[/i] Tieflings have become one of the most mysterious races on Ioria, its people noted to have horns like a ram’s and skin which often seems to be more like bronze than flesh. In ages long past the Tieflings were noted as having lived beyond the Aouril plains and in the land currently ruled by Keirous. What little the Elves of this time saw of them and recorded is often mixed. Some believed the appearance of Tieflings to be a hallucination at best, a horrid demon walking the lands at worst. From this rose many legends of beings as tall as pine trees and as strong as an ox. Though there is little truth to these legends many have held the superstitions brought with them close and, as such, many Tieflings are viewed in a poor light among most races. Its is true, however, that at first sight one might believe a Tiefling to be a creature straight out of some legend. Their physique is often described as being unnatural, their strength and agility beyond that which any human could achieve without training. To top it all off, they are often taller than both Humans and Elves, their horns only adding to their height and the fear that they instill upon the races. All the superstitions and their physical form has only driven Tieflings away from society and this is especially true in the lands of Keirous. Even in Keirous where the Tieflings are represented among the people equally, there exists many sects of Tieflings which have sought to isolate themselves and stay neutral in any diplomatic proceedings. [/hider] [right][h2]Starfallen[/h2][/right] [hider=Starfallen] [right][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/a66d89c8-adf0-475b-981d-9dcd227d52af/dcifyw9-7ec1aa60-8cf1-4686-85f2-ca9f75ce8712.jpg/v1/fill/w_797,h_1003,q_70,strp/the_efreet_by_robs0n_dcifyw9-pre.jpg[/img][/right] [i]There is little as beautiful and grand as a Starfallen, like gazing upon the night sky. These beings feel as if they are from another realm, nothing but mirages of beings which wish to be in ours. Yet, here they are among us.[/i] Among the Elves there have long existed legends telling of a people with skin as dark as the night skies, with eyes shining in white and a gold and mottled stars upon their body. The Starfallen were beings of legends, never seen nor encountered for ages and even still a mystery into the First Era. It is believed that the Starfallen had long isolated themselves from the people of Ioria though where they originated from is still a mystery to this day. What is known of these strange beings, however, is that they have become the only race ever to live for over a hundred years and, as such, have become the study of many scholars across the realms. Starfallen seem to exist as a race between realms due to their otherworldly nature. Unlike the nature of the Tieflings, however, the Starfallen have always been depicted as a peaceful race and believed to have descended from Aetherials which had journeyed to the material world many ages ago. Their proficiency in magic and higher than usual rate at producing mages capable of learning multiple schools of magic has often supported this theory, their appearance only providing further proof. The lack of proof of their homeland has only led to further extrapolation on where they could’ve come from: if not the known lands then where else but the unknown? [/hider] [right][h2]Orisiri[/h2][/right] [hider=Orisiri] [right][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/91/be/45/91be45497dce40ae0fd4a77d9504bd11.jpg[/img][/right] [i]To hear the yelping cries of an Orisiri on the Aouril plains is as terrifying as meeting a Tiefling in a dark cave. That is to say that if one is yelping at a merchant traveling then it is safe to assume that they are hunting him. Despite all this, however, the Orisiri seem as perfectly civil as a drunk dwarf, at least when they need to be.[/i] The Elves had always known of the Orisiri and deemed them an even greater foe than the Humans, for a time, due to their unpredictable nature. Where the Humans could be described as bulls, the Orisiri were more like vicious hyena and as wild as one too. The Orisiri are best known from their protection of the Aouril plains which many of their clans call home, striking down anyone they deems a foe or trespasser with little care for repercussions. Even in Keirous it is believe that the more civilized sects of the Orisiri seem to be as aggressive in politics as hunting foes. Legends once deemed the Orisiri as massive roaming horde whose agility and resilience was unmatched and seemingly untested by their foes. All encounters the Elves had with Orisiri before their war with the Humans has often ended with a near total trounce. Despite this, however, the Orisiri seemed to always be more focused in fighting with each other rather than outside foes, something that has led to a more or less uneasy truce in the Plains. Many of the tribes of the Aouril plains have ceased fighting one another in anything but small skirmishes, turning their attention towards the people of Eroammir and the Imperium who dare attempt the trek to Keirous beyond. [/hider]