The monster was charging at him, its movement wild. Clumsy. Easy to read. Not a problem. Or at least it wouldn't have been, if he hadn't suddenly been attacked unexpectedly from behind. He turned himself as he flew forward, just in time to see his would be savior get cracked across the skull and go flying. They slammed into the canopy, but even before they slid off and crumpled at Alexei's feet like a broken doll he could already tell. He didn't need to look at the angle of their neck for a moment to know there was no coming back from that. He averted his eyes from the sight, instead focussing on the towering beasts in front of him. He grit his teeth, and tried to bury what he was feeling. It wouldn't help anyone right now. "Damn you." He said under his breath. "Why do you always have to make everything worse?" He brought up the gun and knife in a standard CQC grip and the rainbow light began to coracle to life around his hands again when all of a sudden the body started giving off a blinding light. An ability set to activate upon? Alexei leaped away, anticipating some kind of revenge power to ravage the enemy. When the light stopped, however, all that stood there was...a girl? Had they always been a girl? A girl that seemed in good spirits, at that rate. She set out to engage the enemy and Alexei took that moment to fall back to a safe position and wait for his oppertunity. One came as one of the two monsters the girl was handling all on her own started back to its feet from the flip she'd given it earlier. Alexei darted forward, slipping the flare gun into the hem of his pants as he ram up the monsters back, half climbing up its shaggy mane as the creature drew itself to full height. Up close like this the stench was nearly unbearable, but he managed to scurry up to its shoulder before it realized what was happening. He brought the knife down into the side of the creatures neck. Its thick skin would normally prevent a knife like this from piercing its hide, but Alexei brought his free hand down in a open palm strike to the base of the handle, sending it digging into the flesh to the hilt. The monster let out a pained grunt and reached up to its shoulder with a hand as big an Alexei himself, but Alexei wasn't on its shoulder anymore. He flipped over the knife, planting his feet on the monsters chest and hanging from the handle, using his full weight to jerk down and gouge an even larger wound. Still, the wound was already closing up again, stitching back together through some cursed quirk of biology. That was to be expected though. He had, in fact, been counting on it. Letting the flesh grow back just enough to ensnare the knife again, Alexei let go with one hand and pulled the flare gun from the hem of his pants. As the monster readjusted to pull this tiny annoyance off it's chest instead of its shoulder he pushed up, stuck the barrel right into the still open wound, and pulled the trigger. This got the monsters attention. There was a sound of sizzling pork and a smell like burning swampwood as the flare burned within its flesh. It let out a scream like a bull elephant and began clawing at the wound, desperately ripping out chunks of flesh but only succeeding at driving the flare deeper as though it were a stubborn splinter. As it wailed and flailed Alexei let himself drop, abandoning the knife and combat rolling out of the way of its stamping feet. Retreating to a safe distance he popped open the gun and let the spent flare drop out of it before reaching into his coat and pulling out another one. It was Yekatarian regulations that all helicopters carry at least 4 emergency flares. This pilot had stocked three. Cheap bastard. He loaded the weapon with the second flare, gripped it in both hands, and brought it up so he could aim down the barrel. He focussed on it, still flailing, still screaming that eerie scream. He whislted mockingly at it. It turned to look at him with that still gaping mouth. He fired. It stopped screaming. All that came out of its mouth was a flaccid choking sound and smoke. The thing was still alive though, weakened but angry as hell, so he quickly loaded his last flare.