[color=black][b][h2]Mourningstar[/h2][/b][/color] It didn't take long for Mourningstar to realize it was time to get the hell out of dodge. She followed the group quickly, leaving Orchid to whatever fate may await her. It was pretty clear she didn't really like them anyways, so Mourningstar had no problem with just ditching the female goblin. Maybe they would meet up again one day, provided she actually managed to survive against Crispy. She had written off the little bugger a while ago, but something in his eyes made her think twice. Those were the eyes of a killer, a real killer. So they made their way through the forest, Mourningstar taking point as both sentry. She was also taking the time to try and use Blood Drain on basically anything living in their path. The [b]Kele Shoots[/b] sticking out of the ground, any trees, the [b]Agerp Berries[/b], just anything alive and in their path. She had a feeling Blood Drain would be useful, she just needed to level it up enough for it to be useful. She also made careful note of her surroundings during their expedition, hoping to gain some kind of early alert system skill like Oberon had. Then Digbie said something that stopped her in her tracks. [b][color=00aeff]"I-I'm not like those dirty goblins, right guys? I-I'm better than them... right?"[/color][/b] Mourningstar turned to the young goblin and looked him in the eyes, doing her best to give off the impression of seriousness. She understood how he was feeling about now, she felt it often enough to know the signs. That feeling that you're pathetic, worthless, that since the moment you were born you were lesser. And while she might not ever be able to shake off that feeling herself, that feeling of worthlessness, she could make sure that nobody else settled into that defeatist attitude. [color=black][b]"Digbie, you are literally from another world. You died and were chosen by an all powerful Demon King to be reincarnated as a literal monster with untold potential. If that doesn't make you better than a goblin than we are all pathetic dirty monsters."[/b][/color] An invisible weight settled on his shoulders, Mourningstar using Lesser Force to emulate her putting her hands on him. [color=black][b]"Whenever you start thinking about how you might be pathetic or something, remember this. You saved Torrent's life. You helped kill a dungeon boss. You have unique magic that nobody else has."[/b][/color] A moment passed before Mourningstar turned away, mainly to hide her blush as her words finally caught up to her. [color=black][b]"And most importantly, you have the great and powerful Mourningstar leading you! And I don't take dirty goblins into my crew, only the strong and mighty have the privelege of working with me!"[/b][/color] A haughty laugh escaped her mouth as she pushed forwards past the Topapo plant. Something dashed by them a little later, Mourningstar barely had a chance to even try and look at what it was before it was gone, but it wasn't attacking so obviously it wasn't that important. It left behind a handful of fur, which Mourningstar tried to attach to her headband by slipping it between the headband and her own body. Regardless of whether or not that worked, she would toss it aside and try to Blood Drain the tree that the deer had been scratching on. Need that life, need that food. Soon they made their way to a creek, complete with babbling brooks and frolicking... frogs? Alliteration is hard. Options were presented now, Mourningstar had a few ideas, but nothing too complex at the moment. [color=black][b]"So I'm thinking we should gank those frogs for food. Also the burrow looks like a good place to live, provided we can kill whatever the hell is in there. I feel good about our odds since it's 4 on 1, but I don't know what's in there so I'm not gonna say we can take it for sure."[/b][/color] She paused for a moment to gather the rest of her thoughts, before continuing. [color=black][b]"It's worth noting that we are a little hurt still. So that's something to take into account before we get into a fight with an unknown enemy.[/b][/color] As she said this, Mourningstar hovered up a bit, trying to get an aerial view of their surroundings before quickly returning to the ground.