[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@Searat][@Kazemitsu] As the the surge of psionic power left Jason's body, guilt already clung tightly to his heart, and Mama Slime's heart wrenching scream made him feel all the worse. A few slimy drops leaked from his membrane as he coldly watched Asura rush to their mother's side. It appeared there was a shred of humanity within that maniac; which for a moment, made Jason hesitant- as he began to doubt his conviction, beginning to whisper a prayer in repentance for what he'd done. A prayer not to any boisterous god that sought only to toy with the lives of those they saw as lesser, but to the spirits that truly cared for the world, and more importantly, the life upon it. [color=darkred]"Spirits of the earth, forgive me-"[/color] Before he could get farther, Asura finally showed what he truly was-- a real bona fide monster. A man that had either rejected his humanity, or had none to begin with. In a split second, Jason was once again absolute in his conviction to end Asura here, before his evil could mar this world further. Unfortunately, life seemed to have other plans... [quote=System:Jason] Your Stamina is Low. You have no MP remaining. You have overdrawn your MP again. Mana Burn has upgraded to Mana Disorder again. Natural MP Recovery has stopped. Item MP Recovery reduced by 50%. [/quote] [quote=Dungeon:Jason] [color=purple]CONNECTION FAILING DUE TO NO MP. PREPARING TO OVERRIDE ORDERS...[/color] [/quote] Quickly, Jason popped two mana crystals, bringing himself back to half mana, as he quickly turned tail to run, issuing a command to his other subordinates to follow suit as he ran from Asura. [color=darkred]"ALL UNITS, RETREAT TO THE CORE AND RECUPERATE!"[/color] Quickly shapeshifting into the same tire-like form he'd tried just a few moments ago. However, despite Jason's best efforts, Asura was gaining on him, and in desperation Jason summoned the skill menu, nearly slowing to a stop as it popped up, giving the red slime an opening to strike. As Asura's mighty blow laid into the slime mage, Jason instinctively pulled off the ground and activated [b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXjj7Jz1bKE]Bounce I[/url][/b], sending him flying over to a spot near where the goblins' campfire once burnt. Grunting in pain as he immediatly shifted back into tire form, speeding away from his foe, hugging the 'right' wall of the dungeon (when looking in from the entrance). Keeping his focus on the ground before him, Jason watched carefully for anything that might slow him down, he knew he couldn't fight Asura, all he could do at the moment was run. [hider=Inventory][list] [*]Staff (Goblin torch) [*]Source Crystal (Charged) [*]2x mana crystal [*]4x healing herb [/list][/hider]