[h3]Alexander[/h3] There wasn't much that needed to be lit up on the ground floor. Nobody would be in the classrooms, although he stuck his head in each one to check anyway, and Eleanor's room wasn't something he would need to worry about. So, with the third floor taken care of, Alexander took one trip up to his own room on the second floor to make sure everything was okay- thankfully it was. Something nagged at him a bit, however, and he carefully slipped his dagger through his belt on his back and pulled his shirt down over it. Then made his way to the Dining Hall. A lot of the students had already filed in by then, and there was already a large cleared space in the middle. So, with the handful of candles he had left, he placed and lit a couple around the various tables along the edge of the cleared space, then went over to find Kade. "Candles are placed and lit," he said, "Brought the spares down here, they're about. What's wrong?" he asked, noticing Astrid looking in a very concerned manner at her phone.