After careful consideration and hours of scraping through Dossiers, [@Amaranth] and I have determined which of you folk would be most suited for our current mission. To start, we'll list those who we felt did not make the cut. Comments here will be rather barebones because of HIPAA. If you are curious about your case, please submit a PM to [@Scrub Mage]. [indent][@DJAtomika] Hazan does not meet the standards set by other applicants. [@Fallenreaper] Vellios does not meet the standards set by other applicants. [@Lotrix Molick] Tinari does not meet the standards set by other applicants. [@Star Lord] Yanagita Shunji is a fine character, but unfortunately, there are a few issues which prevent us from accepting him at this time. If there is an opening, you'll be kept in mind. [@Eisenhorn] While we quite liked Voto'tos, we feel that the role he fills is occupied by other characters of [i]just slightly[/i] higher quality. Should their be an opening, you'll be kept in mind. [@Rtron] I absolutely adore Key. I don't dish out this comment often at all, so please take it for all that it is worth. If there is an opening, you'll be kept in mind.[/indent] Now for the rest of you lot. Again, I'll keep my comments rather plain in comparison to what I want to write, but this is simply because I have spent the last two days stewing over your characters and cannot wait to take a break. As with above, PM me if you'd like more specificity regarding my thoughts. [indent][@Dervish] Ardan is a straight-edge with a bit of neurosis. From the application you've submitted it is clear that you crafted your character with an eye aimed toward the rich Turian culture and with a desire to have a fully realized individual. All that I would recommend is doing a quick proofread before switching Ardan over to the characters tab. [@Stormflyx] Naryxa is the mother the group needs. Her view seems to be much more tame than some of the others, but her long history will give her an insight that the other characters seem to lack. Personally, I am interested in seeing how you handle PTSD with an Asari. Just about the only notes I would before switching her over to the character tabs would be mostly just to do some light proofreading. Personally, the second-to-last paragraph raises some questions about the seriousness of her Mercenary career for me, but I will leave that to your discretion. [@Spoopy Scary] Shy is a golden god. Move her over. The only thing I'd have you do is some proofreading. It feels like you got tired while writing the application, so just clean some of that up so it flows better, thanks. [@Hank] Kyo is, aside from Key, the character which screams [b]Shadowrun[/b] the most to me. His background in Corporate Espionage also makes him a prime candidate for the work the crew will be doing. The only thing I'd really like to see out of him is more specificity regarding the philosophies he draws from, but as it stands now I am fine with him moving over to the characters tab. Also, even though it is a joke, please remove the line regarding Kai Leng from the misc. [@Mortarion] Khosin is a great foil to Ardan, given his reformed racism. His character reminds me of [url=]Gaichu[/url] from [i]Shadowrun: Hong Kong[/i], and his viewpoints will provide a nice contrast to just about everyone in the party. His philosophy of war offers combined with the aforementioned reformed racism offer an interesting character dynamic that I don't think is present in the others. Just do some proofreading and cleaning up before moving him on over. [@Heat] Zaash provides an interesting take on a Vorcha. Not only that, but considering the amount of people who hate Vorcha for no good reason in this party, it will be interesting to see how they change with him in their lives. While we're not exactly sure what the extent of Vorcha biotics is in-universe, I am willing to take a leap and let the Vanguard get through. Aside from proofreading, all that we require you to do is carefully consider the effects of addiction on a Vorcha. A part of me wonders if it would be possible for a Vorcha to become addicted to Red Sand in the first place, considering their physiology is hyper-adaptable to conditions including resource scarcity. I'd say you are accepted, but before moving over to the Character Tab let's have a discussion to figure that bit out.[/indent] Alright, now that you're all out of the way, I suppose I can devote time to planning the rest of the RP. : ^ )