The planet shuddered beneath them. Even so far underground, the tremors were undeniable, meaning it couldn't be local shockwaves in the surrounding area. "Wait, wait!" Neil said, holding his hands up to calm the situation down. He placed a hand on Junebug's rifle, looking her in the eye. Her gaze met his, and it took her many moments before she lowered her gun. "We can do both." Neil said, snapping his gaze at York to make sure he would hold himself from drawing any weapon. Luckily, he seemed to not be making any sudden movements. Instead he motioned for Neil to continue impatiently. The pilot guessed he wanted as little bloodshed or chaos as possible at the moment. "We need to leave. But you can grab whatever technology you wish on the way out. You have more to see." He explained. "But we need to hurry, so if we're done threatening each other, I can lead us the fuck out. Is that good for you guys?" He sounded as if he was talking to children or particularly slow learners. He realized that probably wasn't the smartest tone but he had just had his entire internal being violated by an alien presence. Once they were underway, there was a palpable tension that could likely by cut by a blunt knife, but they still moved and stayed alert. Sven watched the walls of the corridor, analyzing the dimensions and finding an odd calculation. The dimensions were akin to the Pi equation, unending in figures. At least as far as Sven's processing power could tell, the figures have not ended yet. The end of the corridor led into a chamber made of what seemed to be glassteel, with a large console on the left and blast doors to the left and forward. To the right was an exhibit, with what seemed to be stasis fields holding various certain beings in a floating suspension. It was an odd thing to see, for in the stasis chambers, there was what looked to be one of the Xenos that was in the monoliths earlier, along with a cro magnon man, three unknown Xenos of probable ancient origins, and a very slender version of an archaic Hexanagallion. Saxon's visage was hard to determine, but he seemed both conflicted and in awe at viewing what was likely an ancient ancestor of his race, and what this meant. Woods and the other marines had a similar view on the situation. York and Sven on the other hand were interested in the console. "Neil, can you activate it?" York asked. "What does it contain?" "Information," Neil said, stepping forward and moving on instinct and operating the console. "I can extract it for you so you can shut the hell up about it. But we need to open the forward door as well. I just need a minute of time and we can get out of here." [@Penny]