[center][color=crimson][h2]Ami Murota[/h2][/color][/center] The first thing Ami had done once she got into class, was she sat down and went back to sleep. She didn't want to be here, nobody else wanted to be here, but unlike everyone else she had no problem with showing her immense displeasure with the situation through active rebellion. Even once class started, Ami dreamt of much funner stuff she could be doing rather than this. She could be watching TV, or going to kill Nightmares. But no, she has to attend school because society says so. How absolutely tedious. Ami's light snoring was quite audible throughout the class, her ignorance of the teacher and everyone a direct insult to the school which had forced her to cut her break short. Her head rested on her arms, face down onto the desk as she napped through class once again. For a brief moment the snoring stopped, right around the time when Miss Tamashi did her weird pose thing, but the snoring quickly resumed after the giggles died down. [color=magenta]“Murota-Chan, Murata-Chan, Harasawa-Chan, why don’t you three decide who gets to go first among you?”[/color] Ami shifted in her seat slightly, awoken by someone addressing her but not bothering to raise her head and address them. The light girl went up and did a big speech, probably staring at Ami as she did so. It made her want to vomit, that innocence on display. Which would shatter first Ami wondered, her purity or her skull? For her sake, Ami hoped it was the former instead of the latter. Finally she went to sit back down, meaning Ami had to go up next. Did she though? Everyone in the class was staring at her now, someone was probably on the verge of trying to wake her up too. How annoying. Fine, time to get it over with. She raised her head just enough so that she was facing the front of the class, made the most annoyed expression she could, and spoke. [color=crimson]"For my winter break, I killed a bunch of goo monsters and ate candy. Just like I do every single week."[/color] With that blunt statement out of the way, Ami put her head back down and went back to sleep. What a waste of time this all was.