CHARACTER SHEET ................................ Name: Cosmos Age: 24 Speech Color: [color=steelblue]Steel Blue[/color] Picture/Description: Cosmos is an alien girl with two different forms in order to better blend in with human society. When she’s in her natural form, she has light, blue skin and dark cerulean eyes. Her hair is always the same, plain white yet she likes to keep it short when in this form. She wears the standard Paradox uniform, accept it has been altered slightly to fit her tastes. The blazer is dark blue, the hem and ruffles of the sleeves are white. Her moth pin is the only green on her person. She wears it on her left breast pocket. Cosmos wears a skirt with a slit, and silk that drapes over the cut. The skirt is also a navy blue, like the blazer. When she is a human, her skin is a slightly tanned cream color, and her eyes are just the standard baby blue. When she is human however, just to add some more blue to the mix, she has made her has dyed her hair lightly. Species: Alien: Specifically a race of invading aliens called Cosunians who have the innate ability to shapeshift. Background: Cosmos is an Alien on the run from her own alien government. The Cosunians are a very invasive race of conquerors who pride themselves on being in control of over fifty other planets and even a few star systems. Cosmos, or Collins as she was known back on her assigned ship, was the top of her class when she was still a cadet and training to be a soldier for the Cosunian race. She wore her badge proudly, answered any and all questions to the name of “Collins” despite how off it made her feel, and served the state as best she could. She flew through her training in no time, and soon landed herself as right hand Assistant to General Heris Lyers. Cosmos thought serving Heris was what she had always wanted, but things soon took a turn for the worst. Heris and Cosmos grew very close in their time together, yet he still called her “Collins” and not “Cosmos”, a name she had recently chosen for herself. That nagging feeling of “Something is wrong with me” continued to bug Cosmos for years, and as time went on she began to change her appearance. While she was changing, Heris was getting ready to invade another colony, this one on the cusp of dying. It was a small planet of shapeshifter, just like the Cosunians, who were steadily being genocided by them. Heris brought in countless prisoners, and tortured them to no end. Cosmos spent time with these same prisoners, and steadily began to grow empathy for them. She felt bad that they were being slaughtered by her people, and suddenly it was as if that nagging feeling finally made sense. She contemplated all day and all night while in her bunker, and one night she finally came to a conclusion. She did not agree with the actions of her government and she knew she couldn’t confide in Heris. So she snuck down where the prisoners were being held, only to find that only one was left. She unlocked the cage they were in, and the prisoner didn’t even hesitate to run out and leave. Cosmos didn’t even see their face, or hear a thank you. What she did see however, was the glaring eyes of her commander, Heris. Cosmos, just as that alien a moment ago, tried to leave. But Heris shot her in the arm, stopping her. She was dragged before the high court, judged guilty on counts of treason, and sentenced to be executed. However, the day before she was sentenced to be executed, a slight green moth landed outside her jail cell. Cosmos had never seen a moth before, so the creature was entirely new in her eyes. It was there in her tiny jail cell that she met two extraordinary beings. The first was Charlotte, the moth flying around her cell. The second was Leila Mayner. Leila explained that she was the head of an organization called Paradox that was dedicated to helping people solve impossible problems, and right now her predicament seemed impossible enough to warrant a visit. Leila helped her get out of the cell, and then asked Cosmos if she wanted to work for Paradox. Knowing she could never actually go back to her people, she decided that she would join Paradox. She works as the first Intergalactic agent of Paradox. Strengths: Cosmos can shapeshift, and morph different parts of her body into weapons. She can morph her arm into a sharp blade, or a high functioning Cosunian shooter. Weaknesses: Cosmos is still very mortal, and is also not gifted with enhanced strength. Her body is very weak, and not really durable. Can you post pics on the forum?: Yes Sample Post: ( You must write a short paragraph using your character, this is only for first timers who have never made a character for the game yet.) Notes: As a part of the staff, she won’t have a sample post, but you can still talk to her about things in the OOC by simply asking her a question.