Leon gave a small nod as he listened to Rasca's response. It made sense. They really wouldn't make it far if the Pokemon didn't listen to them. Of course, seeing how the smaller Nidoran was nuzzling into Leon's arms, it seemed only Rasca would have an issue with that. This made him frown slightly, watching as the two interacted. He watched it for a few moments, studying its movements for a little bit. At last, he spoke. “You can't treat it like some pet. Pokemon aren't meant to live as our pets,” he explained. “Some, you can get away with that. Nidoran is prideful, though. It'll take time to earn its respect and obedience. You just have to work at it.” The boy knelt down, looking at the large Pokemon and smiled. He held his hand out to it and the blue Nidoran made a small sound. It caused, at length, for the male counterpart to slowly walk closer, sniffing Leon's hand. It made a low sound in warning and then closed its eyes, head held up, as if he was allowing some grand gesture in letting Leon pet him. The boy just let out a small chuckle, scratching him behind the ears. “Y'know, Nido, my friend isn't that bad either. Think you could ease up on her? She wants to be your friend too,” he stated. “Right, Rasca?” Despite the clear signs of him being a novice with Pokemon, having never left Viridian, he seemed to have a knack for making friends with them.