[h3]Ash, Digbie, Mourningstar, Oberon, Torrent[/h3] [quote=Party Obtained Items] 3x Argeps (leftover from eating, gathered by Oberon) 1x ??? Deer Fur (gathered by Mourningstar) 1x Antidote Fern (gathered by Ash) 1x Beetle Mandible (gathered by Ash) [/quote] [quote=System:Ash] You used Alchemy II! You used Magic Analysis I! ---Antidote Fern--- This purple fern contains a natural antibiotic chemical and also promotes the immune system, making it useful for fighting off certain sickness-inducing status effects. It is Fibrous, Organic, Flammable, Fragile, Water Absorbant, and Waxy. It has some residual magic energy. Reactive with water. Reactive with heat. ---??? Fur--- This black, stiff fur came from a creature you aren't familiar with yet. It is Organic, Flammable, Insulating, Slightly Water Absorbant, Silky, and Slightly Lustrous. It has high residual magic energy. It seems like it might be highly reactive with other magical materials. ---Rubber Frog--- ERROR. This target has not been harvested, dissected, or otherwise broken down into useful components. Without more Analysis Skills, at its current rank the Alchemy Skill is unable to analyze the traits of this target or its reactivity. ---Analysis Complete!--- Skill Gain: Monster Analysis I! Gain basic biological information about a monster by actively observing it. [/quote] [quote=System:Digbie] Skill Rank Up: Soil Manipulation I > Soil Manipulation II! MP Cost increased. Carrying capacity increased to 10 pounds of loose soil. Range remains within a 10 foot radius of your body. Using this soil to create a shape or exert a larger amount of force still consumes more MP, but takes only 20 seconds at a minimum. At this rank, created shapes cannot consist of more than one part, or be more complex than quadrilateral structures. At this rank, created shapes cannot change the quality of the soil (sharper, harder, etc) nor its color or texture. You are Fed. You are Dehydrated. You are recovering HP slowly. Your HP is full. LEVEL UP! Your many experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 5! Your Max MP has Increased! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please! [color=red]Unspent[/color] [color=green]Skill[/color] [color=red]Points[/color]: [color=green]9[/color] Current Skills: Use Light Equipment (--) Tremor Sense II (2.55) Soil Manipulation II (2.0) Stone Shot I (1.35) Taboo 1 (1.0) Stronger I (1.05) Quake (0.5) Rock Spire (0.9) Crafting (0.1) Fortify (0.3) Point Strike (0.6) Smash (0.6) Throw Item (0.2) Monster Analysis (0.2) Charisma (0.1) Guidance (0.1) Mental Resistance (0.4) Mana Strike (0.3) Focus (0.1) Stone Fist (0.6) Stone Breaker (0.2) Spell Chant (0.4) Intimidate (0.2) Sacred Ground (0.4) Scribe (0.2) Fire Resistance (0.3) YOUR BODY IS BEGINNING TO CHANGE! You are undergoing Transformation! Based on your life experiences, your ability to survive, and the strength of your will, new paths have appeared! Choose carefully--there is no going back! [color=red]WARNING. THIS PROCESS WILL LEAVE YOU TEMPORARILY VULNERABLE.[/color] OPTIONS (* Indicates Suitability, - Indicates Unsuitable): **(Adult) Goblin (Guaranteed Variant Chance/Medium Variant Chance) - Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and while their physical strength isn't to be underestimated, they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile, and while they can use tools they have a limited intelligence. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive, and a lack of emotional control that causes them to do whatever they feel necessary to satisfy any primal craving they happen to feel at any given moment. They aren't typically capable of long-term planning and have difficulty with abstract concepts.[list] [*]Slightly increase all base-stats [*]Increase HP [*]Increase Potential[/list] ****(Immature) Svartblin (Medium Variant Chance) - An unusual monster that some consider to be on the boundary between the Englightened and Monstrous races. Its height and general proportions are roughly the same as goblins, but Svartblins tend to have broader shoulders and chests, thicker arms and legs, and much greater intelligence. The males tend to be bald, and their skin is a stony gray in color. They favor deep tunnels, often going for long periods without sunlight, and have a disposition for mining.[list] [*]Slightly increase all base-stats [*]Increase Tremor Sense (reduced) [*]Increase Earth Affinity (reduced) [*]Gain Access to Job System: 0th Tier[/list] **(Immature) Hobgoblin (Guaranteed Variant Chance/Medium Variant Chance) - These advanced goblins develop darker skin colors, their former green bodies turning a shade of the forest or changing tint slightly to blues or browns. They are a foot taller than goblins on average, and while their proportions are similar their extra mass shifts towards a more wiry, muscular form. With greater intelligence but about the same level of maturity, if Goblins can be compared to vicious children then Hobgoblins could be mean-spirited teenagers. Their faces become slightly less ugly, and they grow more hair much like various humanoids.[list] [*]Increase all base stats [*]Gain Medium Equipment Skill (reduced) [*]Gain Access to Job System: 0th Tier[/list] *(Immature) Bluecap (Guaranteed Variant Chance) - These are goblins who have been changed by magical energies. Their skin changes hue to various shades of blue, and their hair grows in more fully thus granting them their namesake. While their defensive stats won't increase as fast, they are still a relatively balanced monster and may have various spells to add to their previous form's versatility. Their increase in intelligence often puts these -blins in a good position to control a tribe or advise a boss.[list] [*]Slightly increase base strength-and-speed stats [*]Increase Mana Orb (reduced) [*]Increase Shield (reduced)[/list] (Immature) Gremlin (Guaranteed Variant Chance/Medium Variant Chance) - These lanky-limbed, hunched creatures are often blamed by superstitious villagers for all sorts of mischief. More predatory than normal goblins and preferring solitude to tribes, these creatures often form small groups of two or three in the deepest tunnels, and stalk the darkness for prey. They are quite a bit faster than Goblins, but not much stronger or more durable. Because they have adapted for life in caves they have trouble outdoors.[list] [*]Slightly increase base strength-and-defense stats [*]Increase speed stats [*]Increase Dextrous (reduced) [*]Increase Muffle (reduced) [*]Gain Sunlight Vulnerability[/list] -- (Immature) Bugbear (Guaranteed Variant Chance/Low Variant Chance) - Bugbears are an evolved form of the Goblin. Less suited to the natural cleverness or deftness of their smaller cousins, they more than make up for this with their toughness and strength. Their thick fur allows them to venture out from their caves or huts into many different environments. Their strength allows them to use larger types of equipment, and they'll often bully other goblins around as the leaders of small tribes. They can almost never work together with other Bugbears, as the species is highly aggressive and competitive.[list] [*]Slightly increase speed-and-defense stats [*]Increase base strength stats (reduced) [*]Increase Medium Equipment skill (reduced) [*]Increase Stamina[/list] *(Immature) Demiblin (Guaranteed Variant Chance/Low Variant Chance) - Goblins that have been influenced by demonic energies, often committing acts that even make their brethren pause or else being influenced by a greater demonic being. They are roughly the same size as normal goblins but tend towards the taller and more muscular side of the average. Their skin darkens until it becomes almost ink black, and they often develop strange magical sigils on their skin. They show increased aptitudes for magic.[list] [*]Slight increase to base stats. [*]Increase Demon Affinity (reduced). [*]Gain Access to Job System: 0th Tier. [*][color=red]Taboo Offering[/color][/list] [/quote] [quote=System:Oberon] You used Magic Analysis III! You used Monster Analysis I! ---Blue Argeps--- This is not a Monster, it is a Plant. It has no magical properties. This Argep has become a ripe shade of blue and looks juicy. ---Antidote Fern--- This is not a Monster, it is a plant. It is somewhat magical, and this magic is of the Nature element. ---??? Prints--- These prints were left by a monster. It seems like it might be wet or slimey, and like it was hopping in great bounds from place to place. The prints imply it's pretty large. ---??? Fur--- This black, stiff fur came from a creature you aren't familiar with yet. It has high residual magic energy of the Curse element. It seems like it might be highly reactive with other magical materials. ---Rubber Frog--- This frog's magical evolution certainly took an odd turn somewhere. The elasticity of its form, from its skin to its bones, is ridiculous. With a tongue that will stretch it has no trouble snagging flies, and it can expand its mouth wide enough to swallow many things whole. To intimidate predators it sometimes puffs itself up to an enormous size. It has no magical abilities and its MP is much lower than yours. ---Analysis Complete!--- You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression. [/quote] [quote=System:Torrent] You are Fed. You are Hydrated. You are recovering HP slowly. Your HP is full. Skill Gain: Fire Resistance I! This damage resistance skill applies to both magical and natural flames, as well as higher temperatures in general. If other elemental resistances are gained, skill synergy may occur. Having this skill may make using certain types of fire magic or other fire oriented skills easier. LEVEL UP! Your many experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 6! Your Max HP has Increased! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please! [color=red]Unspent[/color] [color=green]Skill[/color] [color=red]Points[/color]: [color=green]9[/color] Current Skills: Stun Fang II (2.225) Poison Spit I (1.6) Muffle II (2.75) Poison Glob I (1.25) Poison Breath I (1.65) Fireball I (1.15) Stealth Kill I (1.0) Minor Recovery I (1.0) Fire Resistance I (1.0) Crafting (0.2) Alchemy (0.4) Alert (0.4) Warcry (0.3) Poison Fang (0.1) Blunt Resistance (0.5) Smash (0.2) Rabid Fit (0.9) Scale Shift (0.2) Magic Break (0.1) Suppress Presence (0.2) Overwork (0.2) Mental Resistance (0.3) Spiritual Awareness (0.3) Soil Manipulation (0.1) Underground Movement (0.3) Tremor Sense (0.2) Prehensile Tail (0.1) Fire Breath (0.2) Spell Cancel (0.1) [/quote] Mourningstar's various attempts to use Blood Drain on things that didn't have blood bore some...interesting results, however it wasn't quite enough to trigger the skill it seemed. She did, however, discover more about how it might work. For one thing, she couldn't just command it to happen like a magic spell. She had to bite into something, but once the juices began to flow it felt almost like she was sucking it through a straw despite never having such a thing. The Kele tasted like sucking onion juice straight from the source, immediately causing the Corpselight to recoil in disgust. The sweet and juicy Argeps helped to remedy that, though the pulp stuck to her teeth and turned them bright blue. Sucking the sap out of the tree was like trying to drink liquid rubber or glue. After the group discussed their next move, Oberon and Mourningstar went upwards into the trees to try and scout the area. To the weight they could see the mountains even more clearly now, as they rose up along the forest's age. In the bright daylight now they were your typical picturesque, gray stone mountains with pointed peaks capped by ice and snow. The smoke trail Oberon had once spotted had diminished almost to the point it couldn't be seen anymore towards the southeast. The cave had entirely disappeared from view, though they could partially pick out breaks in the canopy where they thought it might roughly be. Up to the north, they could only see more and more forest...although, the landscape did seem to gradually dip in that direction. And if they followed the mountains along that northern line, they would be able to see just the slightest sparkly from water falling along the mountainside. So more than likely there might be a river to a north, because for that water to be visible from this far there probably had to be a lot of it. [hider=Map] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kfFGfJa.png[/img] [/hider] Other than that and the trees, however, there wasn't much to see. The group was quite far and alone out here. As Oberon practiced his skills, he would note that the higher up in the tree he was and the more direct sunlight he was under, the greater the effect of his solar-powered mana conversion. Without Meditation it was barely noticeable that his MP was increasing, however. When he tried to channel the light into the Mana Orb, it turned bright white and gained a prismatic, shifting aura around the edges...it also seemed like it was trying to expand within his hands, yet as it did so its center seemed as if it were becoming transparent for some reason... [hr] [h3]Asteria[/h3] [quote=System:Asteria] Obtained Items: Healing Herb x5 [/quote] Asteria quickly blinked in surprise several times at the magnificent sword that appeared. “I hope you understand that I will need a summarization of the risks and consequences of your proposed action before I can even consider agreeing to it. Otherwise, I am afraid I will have to decline until I have more information,” she stated. [color=lightblue][i]I mean only that I may be able to destroy the core, as I said. However, when I attack it, every monster under its control will swarm the area to protect it, and it has already selected a master. A Dungeon Boss will typically be much stronger than its minions. Without a contracted Master I won't be able to use my full power, but you don't meet those requirements. Our only choice will be to fight alongside one another.[/i][/color] Asteria nonetheless explained the current situation to it, in hopes that it might be more inclined to cooperate than it had been in her dream. “You see, as it so happens, a fellow Reincarnator of mine made some sort of contact with this cave dungeon’s core, and I am concerned destroying the core might harm or disadvantage him. He is currently in a conflict with yet another reincarnated human, and I dare say they are intent on destroying each other. At the very least, I ask that you withhold altering the dungeon until I prevent any unnecessary deaths. Then, if he’s still alive by that point, I will bring the current core’s master to speak with you.” The blue eyes shook back and forth in chilly denial. [color=lightblue][i]If this former human you speak of has bonded with the Core, he is likely a lost cause. Dungeon Cores exert their influence over the monsters in the dungeon in order to protect and expand themselves. And I have no interest in squabbles between monsters, so long as the innocent are not caught up in it. I am not the right choice to act as a mediator.[/i][/color] [hr] [h3]Ardur, Asura, Danny, Jason, Momma Slime, Steve[/h3] As Asura shoved Healing Herbs at Momma Slime, she quickly took them and one began to dissolve inside her center. Ardur, upon hearing the pained cries, had launched himself down at the ground and made a rather rough landing. “Easy now I’m a friend, I’m here to help you.” he said, trying to approach in a gentle manner. Momma Slime couldn't seem to muster up enough coordination to move away, but bobbed back and forth in distress. "NOT HURT ME, NOT HURT!" she bawled, but as Ardur began to chant she seemed to feel the healing energies coming from his hand. She still shivered in fear, but Ardur was able to get close without being attacked. “Wounds mend, Scars fade. Pain vanishes and nerves calm..." By this time Asura had undergone a terrifying transformation and was already charging after Jason. The Mage Slime scarfed down two Mana Crystals, and the time it took to do this allowed Asura to close the distance unimpeded. The Amorphous Slime struck his "brother" a vicious blow, but thanks to his Bounce skill Jason was able to convert the momentum into a super spring that sent him hurtling across the cave. Still, that blow had almost hurt as much as the one Rattleskull hit him with. And unlike before he wouldn't have one of the pixies around to cast Shield on him. Jason quickly took on his travel form and spun out across the cavern-- [quote=System:Jason] Skill Gain: Faster I! Your base physical speed is increased! By gaining the skills Harder, Better, and Stronger, Skill Synergy will occur and you will gain one rank of Physical Conditioning. [/quote] With this new burst in speed Jason was able to maintain the distance at first...But Asura had the advantage in raw speed, he also had the Faster skill, the better Shapeshifting skill, and the Overwork skill. All of these things combined meant that even as Jason hurtled across the rocky ground at top speed, the red menace was still steadily gaining on him. Then came the projectiles. The Poisoned Needles went first, but most of these missed as Asura wasn't as close when he began firing them. Still a few would strike their mark, and though Jason's defenses were relatively high and he had Physical Damage Resistance, he could still feel their pricks and cuts. As he got closer Asura got more accurate, and now a few stones began to pelt him from the side. Still, no major damage yet and nothing to make him change course. [quote=System:Asura] Skill Gain: Throw Item I! Using an item from your inventory, you hurl it at the opponent by expending Stamina. Different items may have different effects and some are more suited than others as projectile weapons. At this rank, the chance to destroy the thrown item is very high. Damage type depends on the item. [/quote] The next pebble Asura threw crackled with red energy, and when it hit Jason felt a sting not at all dissimilar from his own Stone Shot spell's first rank. It caused the green slime to falter, and the red slime got even closer... The distance between them was roughly 20 feet...then 15... “Merciful Sky father, spare this child of the sun from her suffering. Stabilize her wounds and help her grow, so she may be as mighty in your eyes as she is in mine… Minor Healing III.” As the green sparkles coated Momma Slime, she wobbled back and forth and then seemed to shiver. Between the Healing Herb and Ardur's spell, she soon re-inflated to her usual size. Compressing herself to one side as if she were "blinking" she then began to turn this way and that. "Wha happun?" she asked, as Ardur cast his Shield. The effect he wanted didn't seem to happen, as Momma Slime had already been healed completely, but as the shield covered her, underneath it there was a momentary glitter of green sparkles. He could feel his MP getting a bit low again, these chanted spells seemed to consume quite the cost. [quote=System:Danny] You used Monster Analysis II! This is a new type of monster to you! This used to be a normal Fanged Lizard, but it has transformed! Lesserwurm: Related to dragons, but still a cold-blooded reptile, this creature burrows through the earth and fills the enclosed spaces around its prey with poisonous fumes. Its lengthy body is quite fast and deceptively strong, and its ability to shed its skin somehow allows it to heal more quickly. [color=red]This one is unusual.[/color][/quote] Meanwhile, as Danny observed Torrent's Fireball, his Magic Analysis skill still wouldn't trigger yet. But he noticed that because she was firing it from her mouth, the flames seemed more concentrated--rather than lighting up gasoline fumes, it was like watching a fire with solid fuel grow brighter and hotter. And this contained fire had taken a spherical shape, much like his own Mana Orb. Upon hearing the commotion from the entrance however, he headed back that way to see Momma Slime and Ardur after the healing session--and, along with those two, also saw Leonidas and the remaining Ghost Wisp suddenly turn tail and head back towards Jason's cave as the two slimes chased each other further away. They might also see Ed and Mother Rat attempting to make their getaway while the getting was good...