It seemed his acidic body wasn't strong enough to work the stone as fast as he moved it through his body. Still it was covered, which was good enough since he was causing more damage. He recognized those bruises on Jason's membrane, he had sported them before to work on his own resistances. A system message that his Stamina was getting low lit up in his mind which made him snarl internally. To mitigate this drain, aside from eating, he stopped using Smash and he simplified his form into that of a ball. Simple, useful, and he was familiar with it. The red blob was still hauling ass, and while he watched Jason he could see how he was acting. And that he had healed some. Probably from an herb, which Asura had none of. [color=red][i]Then again I've used only four these past few days.[/i][/color] He thought. Starting to think more Asura stopped using Item Throw I, conserving more of his Stamina and even shut down Overwork. He knew he'd out last Jason who had gone down a magical path. Whereas Asura has gone down the physical. Their chase went a little longer before they wound up in a little arena of dirt mounds. The fuck was making these? Was it undead 'pods'? He didn't know what was going on in the cave really, he had meant to be leaving the cave damn it. Whatever, he could hit Jason from here. A pseudopod shot straight out at Jason who was still trying to out run him.While they tore across the ground Asura was still extremely mindful of the ground. Stone Shot hadn't been killing shots previously so he knew he could take some of them. He hadn't experienced that Rock Spike or whatever it was, but he had seen it used enough times to know what to look for. As they hit the opposite slope in the little 'arena' it'd take Jason longer to scoot up that than Asura would take going across flat ground. Another Slime Whip rocketed out to try and hit the other Slime. It probably wouldn't hurt as much as a Smash nor just a full force blow since he wasn't able to get the momentum to make it stronger. But even tinks could kill giants if you were smart enough. Or persistent enough.