[center][color=maroon][h1][b]Bartholomew Whitlock[/b][/h1][/color] Interaction: Everyone[/center] [hr] Following Finley after the Commander's speech, Tholo and the rest of the initiates were lead to where they would be bunking. While getting the feeling he'd never really like Finley he did listen to him as he shouted out who would be staying with who in the bunk rooms as he shouted out names. Of course at the time it would be slightly more difficult for those forced into the hood, as they were still chained. However a solution seemed to provide itself with one of the new initiates who stated her name was Brighid O'Shay. At that moment Tholo was uncertain if the woman, who was also a werewolf he soon found out as she stated and by scent when she was close and had removed his shackles, was either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. While he was glad to finally be rid of the chains, there was no telling what Finley would do now. When the only thing to happen was one of the other initiates voiced there own concerns and then state there name, Tholo decided to take his opportunity to speak. [color=maroon]"My name is Bartholomew Whitlock. Tholo will do fine to keep it short,"[/color] he states introducing himself [color=maroon]",As for your statement Miss Eliza, I for one will not put the chains back on. We have much of right as you to walk freely through the halls. We are past the point of no return as is, chains won't change that matter. Volunteers or forced to join, now we are stuck here together. Keeping chains on one group while the others walk free will simply divide us instead of build trust. Outside when there was a chance of running was understandable to have those forced to join chained but now running isn't an option. Unless Finley says otherwise my chains stay off."[/color] Voicing his opinion he walked to the room Finley had stated he would be bunked in giving a bow to O'Shay. [color=maroon]"I thank you for the release of the shackles,"[/color] he stated before entering the room.