[s]It's going to be so bad when she figures him out ^^;[/s] That sounds like it would be a lot of fun! Random question: Are you cat person or a dog person or both? Man, it wasn't even just retail for me xD Granted, most of my stories are from Kohl's, but I've got some others too. I think I just somehow ended up attracting crazy people. Here's another good one: So my first job ever was at a Joe's Italian Ice (You might have heard of it, since the main locations are in Anaheim). I think I was about 16 at the time, so don't judge me for this one (it was sort of my fault for being an inexperienced dummy). Anyway, I was working a closing shift with two of my coworkers on a Friday night. We usually had more people working weekends because it got so busy (normally there were only 2 of us), but this time it was weirdly dead, so one of my coworkers, Lloyd, decided he didn't want to stay. Side note: Lloyd was a character. He was probably the biggest manipulator I've ever met in my life, to the point where he literally convinced the owner of the store to trust him with the store credit card, which he secretly used to buy himself and the rest of us Burger King. Also, he showed up to work drunk/high almost all the time, and would even clock in for random shifts he wasn't scheduled for (out of uniform) because he was bored xD Our area manager didn't give a crap though (he thought it was funny when Lloyd was so high he parked on the sidewalk), so he never lost his job. Anyway, Lloyd ditched me and my other coworker, Rachel, to close up the store alone, which we were kinda peeved about because we wouldn't be able to leave until after midnight and we were two high school age girls without weapons to defend ourselves. So here's the scene: me and my also young female coworker very much on guard at about 11:30PM lol That's when the dude walked in. Right away, both of us got weird vibes from him, because he was acting really weird (didn't look at the menu; just headed straight for the counter, where I was standing). I still remember that he almost looked homeless. His clothes were really old, he smelled awful, and he had used cigarette butts [i]in his hair[/i]. I was pretty sketched out because I've seen crime movies, and my first assumption was that this guy was up to no good. I didn't really have a lot of time to figure out if he was dangerous or not though, because he walked up to me and said: "I need you to look at something for me" (His words sounded really weird, like his tongue was swollen) So this total stranger starts removing his shirt right in front of me (people just like to take their clothes off when I'm around, I guess xD). At this point, Rachel and I are freaked out thinking this dude is a flasher. There are a few other customers in the store, but they haven't noticed him yet. Again, I don't know how to react around topless people, so I just stared at him as I was trying to comprehend what the hell was happening. Spoiler: The dude was not a flasher. He took his shirt off because he had three spider bites on his chest, and he was wondering if we knew what kind of spider had bitten him. Unfortunately for him, Rachel and I were both too flustered by everything that was happening to react, even though he was clearly having a severe allergic reaction to whatever had bitten him. I think the rest of the conversation went something like this: Guy: "Can one of you call 911?" Rachel has pretty much turned to stone with shock at this point and has been staring at him tongue-tied the whole time. Me (who's never called 911 before in my life): Here *straight up [i]hands him the store phone[/i] in panic* (oh lord, I still feel so bad about that lmao) Guy proceeds to attempt to give the police his location and medical information while his mouth is swelling shut while two high school girls stare at him stupidly. After a while, a firetruck and ambulance arrive to get him, and at this point the other customers have noticed something's up, so they start to stare too. But wait, this is the best part. This guy - this absolute CHAD - notices the sirens, hangs up the phone, turns to look at us and says "Looks like my ride is here." And then straight up [i]walks out of the store[/i] like a damn champion. I will never forget that xD Extra: We called Lloyd after the guy left to tell him what happened and he never left a shift early again