[color=#AFEEEE][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KrQaU9g.png[/img][/center][/color][hr][hr] An ear-piercing stomp roared throughout the hall- echoing a few times before dissipating. The low whispers and murmurs becoming pin-drop silence. Well, as silent as a bunch of rogues can muster. The speech that followed had a similar vibe to speeches made by his grandfather, the current patriarch of the Fendrel family. Needless to say it was a grandiose speech that leaned more on intimidation with a dash of inspiration. Soon they were quickly herded into clusters. Sadon's ears perked up when his last name was called. A few eyes were on him, likely from being referred to as 'Fendrel'. --- Sadon was about to step into his room before he caught a familiar face; an acquaintance, O'Shay, Brighid O'Shay. She was the last person he expected here, sentenced no less. He had hoped that her reason for being here was not as bad as his. Before he could greet her she began releasing the chains of the sentenced with a spell. He raised a curious eye at this and tried to scuttle away, however she had already grasped his arms, the locks clicked and his hands were freed. [color=#AFEEEE]"Well, that's not good."[/color] Sadon mumbled, massaging his newly freed wrists. He had wanted to avoid trouble and recognition, but Brighid had already outed him by his last name so there was little point in hiding it. After she had introduced herself some had followed suit. He would keep these names in mind, making a special note to those who weren't human. While he had somewhat agreed with Brighid, her method came across as too heavy handed, even for someone as dense as him. Especially for those sentenced, whom he felt was likely to be punished more harshly. Sadon desired to just to blend in and be ignored, but this particular group had now stood out amongst the other initiates. He felt a pang of pity for the other girl- Eliza, who tried to reason with Brighid, though she seemed to stumble on herself. Others introduced themselves and left, some looked worried while some had a pleased look about them. Sadon sighed. Raising both hands to the sides of his faded hood, he tugged it back a little. His grey, ashen hair pushed through- a trademark of his family, their grey hair being a dominant gene in with all the males and most females. The fabric went slithering down his hair like a living creature, coming to rest at his neck. There was a silent pause after the vampire Vitius had traded his 'life story'. [color=#AFEEEE]"I am Sadon, Sadon Fendrel."[/color] he said, finding his voice too stiff. [color=#AFEEEE]"Listen, I am no one special... Maybe you have heard of my family, maybe you have heard the rumours about my brother. They, the- the rumours is just-"[/color] He stopped himself, something in him almost pushed him to tell someone, anyone. He recomposed himself. [color=#AFEEEE]"They're all true, atleast as true as rumours begin with."[/color] With an uncomfortable cough he changed the subject. [color=#AFEEEE]"I mainly fancy the use of blades in combat. A shield on my right if I find it necessary, otherwise it's two blades. Let's get along."[/color] Sadon stepped up to Finlay with his wrists together, [color=#AFEEEE]"Chain me up. It matters little to me if I am chained or not. My life, in particular, belong to the Red Hoods- again, chained or otherwise."[/color] He worried a little about what the others might think of him because of this, but he saw little reason to disobey those who held his life in his hands and that such actions would likely just bring them trouble.