[b]What is in The Universe?[/b] • When you log onto the universe you are loaded into your characters home location. This can be anything as simple as a small apartment up to a useable intergalactic spaceship. These homes can also be set as clan home locations which can then be used as a characters default spawn point. These homes are fully customisable and exist as their own separate entities to the rest of the world. As such, only people with verified access are allowed to enter, making it a good place to store gear. • From this home location the main entrance so whether it is an apartment door, castle gate or airlock, act as a doorway into The Universe. To set your destination location you simply say the locations name. When you then open the door you will find yourself facing into the location you called for. • Locations cover almost everything that you can imagine in terms of pop culture. There is a planet based on LV-426 with its resident Xenomorphs, a full scale recreation of the Mass Effect Citadel, a planet entirely based on Ancient Egypt...the possibilities are endless. • While PvP and PvE are always on, a lot of locations have weapon free zones meaning that characters can not enter with any sort of weapon. This is most prevalent with the Holiday worlds. • Moving from location to location can be done easily using the teleport system but it is possible to travel from location to location using starships. A lot of players, inspired by Eve Online, spend more time on their ships acting as pirates or traders rather than seeing any of the planets. Planets can be bombarded from space apart from those with weapon restrictions. However many planets features heavy defences and even the biggest battleship would have no hope of doing any significant damage before finding itself destroyed. • A lot of people now work through The Universe, whether it is mining currency, farming resources or work in a virtual office. The cost of real world property has skyrocketed and so virtual offices are infinitely easier. With real world currency tied to the virtual, payment is often now made through the virtual currency. This can be automated to pay from time of log on to time of leaving.