[h2]Eleanore[/h2] A frown flashed across Eleanore's face, but she quickly turned it into a smile. "Those happen, they are called micro-storms, which explains why this one is so intense. Astrid why don't you and Alexander get the younger kids settled." She gently placed her hand on the girl's shoulder. There was a group of five kids that were probably 10 years old up to the oldest of 13 who seemed like she didn't want to be with the group. The younger ones of the group were messing around, one was crying and her tears got more violent as the storm intensified. Sumi marched up to Eleanore and loudly demanded an explanation. Eleanore surprisingly smiled at Sumi, glanced at Kade and cleared her throat. "I have reason to believe the index line has been misaligned." Sumi's eyes narrowed slightly and then realization crossed her face. "What can we do?" "We can hope it fixes itself." Sumi frowned at Eleanore. "No wonder you can't go home." She turned around and faced the group. "Who wants to go on a quest?" A dozen hands shot up. "No quests," Eleanore said. "And what was bringing me back to life?" Sumi asked over her shoulder. She was facing the group so she failed to see Eleanore's smile that beamed proudly down on Sumi and then vanished.