[h2]A L E J A N D R O[/h2] [hr] Alejandro was content to simply sit back and listen to the others chat (Lea was always [i]so[/i] entertaining to be around, he found. And he [i]highly[/i] approved of her taste in fashion. Same with Rhinnon-Rhia- though he did not know her as well). Alejandro turned towards the door as he caught a flash of long, dark hair and a turquoise suit. His eyes followed Elias and his sister as they helped themselves to some of the food, and a sudden pang of longing twisted in his gut. He and Elias...well. [i]It was a long time ago,[/i] he reminded himself. [i]And we are both very different people, now.[/i] Still, Alejandro's hand went instantly to his earrings as Elias looked his way and greeted him, formally. [i]He probably doesn't remember the jewelry I was wearing, each time we were together. But I do.[/i] Alejandro shook himself out of his reverie. It was no fun to be stuck in the past all the time, at least not in [i]his[/i] opinion. Although, as much as Alejandro knew that he and Elias would never work, there was still some small part of him that couldn't help but admire the way that the turquoise jacket fit the other prince. [i]Mmm, he has a good tailor,[/i] he thought, idly. Rhia broke away from her conversation with Lea to invite Dafni and Elias over. Alejandro's lips curved up in a wicked grin as he looked in their direction, as well. "Yes, do pull some over," he called to them. "How am I [i]ever[/i] going to compliment you on your outfit if you are all the way over there, Princess Dafni?" There was a hint of playfulness in his eyes as he took another sip of tea. [i](Interacting with [@MorningStar1399])[/i]