[h2]Astrid[/h2] Astrid looked up at Alexander and paused. As Eleanore explained that it was a micro-storm, she raised her eyebrow at that. "A localized micro-storm over this house?" She then looked to Alexander as Eleanore asked them both to check on the younger ones. "Alright, Miss Eleanor." She sighed a bit as she looked over at the little ones and headed over that way. As she went to check on the oldest of them, she looked at Alexander. "Do you buy that? It's just coincidence that this storm is brewing now?" She asked softly as she looked over at him. "Also, uh, hi again. Sorry we did not get to speak more earlier. Thank you for the hoodie." She smiled softly as she looked at the youngest of them. She was about to say something when Eleanor said a word that caused Astrid's hand to shoot up. "I volunteer! I volunteer for this quest!" She shot up eagerly, and paused for a moment, blushing as she realized she had just made a fool of herself in front of a cute boy, and everyone else there.