[center][h2][color=slateblue]Ariel - Tenrou Island[/color][/h2] [@MarshiestMallow][@Crimson Raven][@Hatakekuro][@Zarkun][@Amaya][@Joshua Tamashii][@Oblivion666][@Burthstone][@Demon Shinobi][@Silver Fox][@CitrusArms][@Lunarlord34][@Lightningmaiden][/center] Ariel was well on her way out of there as best she could manage. Definitely had no intention of contesting a dragon. Though she didn't really know where to go other than any indication Sasha gave. Curse this emotional handicap. Fear was not something a lot of people liked but being overcome by it was even less appealing. One of these days she was going to have to find a way to control it or something. [i][color=slateblue]Assuming I survive that is.[/color][/i] No, couldn't think that way. Gotta get a hold of herself. Glancing back she faltered a bit. Some of them were going to fight the thing!? Well that made some sense for the Dragon Slayers. But anyone else that didn't sound like a good idea. For a brief moment Ariel thought about trying to help before dismissing the idea. Aside from being scared to death this was way outside her class. She didn't have the magical power to compete. Well, maybe she did. It was hard to tell. But even if the woman did have the needed magic she had no idea how to call on it. Nor did she really want to. The Phoenix and God magic each scared her for different reasons. Magic in general held a little anxiety for her since how she interacted with it was something of a mystery. While attempting to run even Sasha stopped to attack. No more guide, great. Getting lost wasn't high on Ariel's list of things to do either so she darted around behind a large tree to hide. [color=slateblue]"This is bad. This is bad. This is bad."[/color] She closed her eyes and covered her ears trying to block out as much as she could. This was way too much to handle. Of course her efforts weren't all that effective but she didn't know what else to do. But then she felt, no, heard it. A sudden wash of magic echoed across the island that resonated with the woman. An ember inside her came to life, smoldering and sparking trying to ignite into a flame. Ariel didn't notice it until the chills of fear gave way to a warmth building inside of her. At first she was confused about what it was until the magic began to well up and spill out. [color=slateblue]"What? No on no! This is not a good time."[/color] She stumbled away from the tree as she transformed behind a wall of flame. Emerging with her Phoenix magic in full display Ariel took a few moments to gather herself. Despite having just received a significant rise in magic it seemed the previous side effect as last time remained. Wholly confused by the unfamiliar surroundings the winged woman practically jumped out of her skin when she turned around to see what looked like two dragons. [color=orangered]"Ah- What the hell?"[/color] She hit her own head a couple times trying to jog her memory. What was going on> How did she get here? To no avail she didn't know exactly what was going on other than what was in front of her. Her... friends?... were attacking one of the dragons along with another dragon. That didn't seem very fair. She nearly jumped into the fray to defend the creature when she noticed a man injured off to one side. Far too close to the action to be safe. Torn for a moment Ariel danced in place looking back and forth. Finally she decided and took to the air after Patrick. Landing by him she gently hoisted him up into her arms. [color=orangered]"Let's get you out of here."[/color] Lifting off she carried Time Lord into the air to get some distance from the fight. Hopefully her initial flashy entrance or unusual magic hadn't attracted too much attention.