[@Ever Faithful] Vaerheim: First of all: [quote]Male Varangians were expected to be perfect soldiers the moment they were born while female Varangians were expect to become strong healthy mothers and capable athletes. Babies that were born defective or deemed unfit by the elder judge would be demoted to become a Thenn. Rarely is a baby put to death but only in the most extreme cases.[/quote] You are hereby required to have _someone_ shout "THIS. IS. VAERHEIM." and kick someone down a well at some point in this RP. [quote]The most iconic weapon of the Varangian Bannermen is the Long Axe, a two handed polearm that has a large axehead that cleaves through armor. [/quote] It should be noted that if you're referring to something like the dane axe, they were actually shockingly light and fast weapons - if you're referring to something like the big heavy two handed bearded axes they eventually supplanted, a smaller wedge can certainly drive through maille or other armor. The dane axe itself has more of a cutting motion and a rather thin blade. Armor is defeated by either going extremely fast, or by concentrating a large force in a small area - something like the dane axe, while not quite as bad as a sword as far as dispersing the power of its blow along a wide area, will still fall short of a two handed spear thrust, an arrow from a powerful bow, or a heavier narrower axe blade. Barring those little niggles, it looks good! Approved! _____________________________________________________________ [@Heyitsjiwon] Attolia: [quote]Species: Fae/Elven, Humans, Halfbloods[/quote] Now now, make sure to show us what you mean by halfbloods, don't leave out any details - we've gotta know exactly how they get here! If you don't mind though, a little elaboration on your exact vision of elves and half elves would be appreciated. We all have different images in our mind if someone says elf. [quote]The Empire's government was initially a form of military junta[/quote] [url=https://imgur.com/a/3b65X]A Military Junta you say...?[/url] As for your traits, only Splendid Isolation really fits. Iron Walls and Always faithful simply reflect your rolls - you can keep them if you wish, but a very powerful navy and a small army are already shown in your rolls and in the army/navy sections. Otherwise... it looks good! _____________________________________________________________ [@Kho] Esher Righacd: Ah, my favorite not-Scots return. I... honestly have no criticisms. Heartily approved. _____________________________________________________________ [@PsyKick] Nucaal: Elaborate on how many Geradamas there are if you don't mind. Sorcerers in this setting are exceptionally rare (as in... 1 in a million or even fewer), and while you can explain having a sorcerer race for part of your magical sophistication for sure, bear in mind that creating a sorcerer race is the goal that numerous great empires tried and utterly destroyed themselves attempting to do. The issue mostly subsides if they are for some reason unable to use crystal - that's where the real power of our sorcerers is shown, but that also negates a lot of... well, their utility beyond normal mages who must take preparations to do magic. One other thing - [quote] Gear created by the Nucaali are typically modified to present a space to house a crystal for augmenting the gear with magical capabilities. Pros: The gear can have certain effects in combat or other realms of society where significant impact can be had in more effective ways. Cons: If the stone is overused, it can explode and have a negative impact on the wielder.[/quote] Please elaborate what kind of capabilities the gear can possess. Otherwise, crystal is consumed when it is used for things - you can have it overload if you wish, but it will steadily deplete and eventually fade away as used, necessitating replacement. Unless I'm misunderstanding and this is a different material. Otherwise looks very interesting and I'm eager to see what they do! Fix those issues or please talk to me to see what we can do, and it's good! _____________________________________________________________ [@Roby6Com] Athia: Salve, aspirans. I see you have cannons on one of your ship types. Please remove - this is probably an oversight, but remember - I don't want gunpowder in this at the moment to avoid the arms race/dick measuring contest that follows. Otherwise I see no issues. Approved. _____________________________________________________________ [@Aleranicus] Neferher Dynasty: I love it. Just bear in mind a few of the changes we've made in discussions - your eastern border is fairly good land and a fair number of Surabhi are there - but it is quite mountainous, thus difficult to traverse~ _____________________________________________________________ [@Willy Vereb] Quavarazi Empire: Ahem: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_5yt5IX38I]Mongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongolongol[/url] [quote]Quavaraz, alternatively referred as Aurelia, a huge land mostly dominated by savannas and magically hazardous deserts.[/quote] To clarify - is your nation largely desert specifically because of the calamity in the past, or did that simply turn central asia into the Sahara? I'm not entirely sure which. I put mountains where they were with the understanding that the desert was largely natural. Otherwise it looks great, approved once we clear the above up. _____________________________________________________________ [@POOHEAD189] [s]POOHEAD189's Poopland[/s] Andred: [quote]Species: Men[/quote] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNL9oljAFqM]Men, you say.[/url] What you have so far looks good, but... well, there isn't much I can critique. _____________________________________________________________ [@The Nexerus] Empire of [s]East Asia[/s] Kuriso: I love your sheet, man. Please feel free to discuss military/trait stuff with me if you feel the need. Once that's sorted out, happily accepted. _____________________________________________________________ [@Legion02] Exiles of the Barren Isles: I love this too! My only caveat is not to get carried away with scrying the future and other magical stuff. Not to say it can't be impressive - or that I think you will get carried away for that matter - merely a reminder. _____________________________________________________________ [@Drunken Conquistador] Usharid Sultanate: [quote]Abandoning the proper worship of Abtum for the faith of Ishareth and going as far as declaring that he would spread his “True Faith” to all the corners of the Usharid realm.[/quote] Meet me in my office, we have many things to discuss~ What you have so far looks great! Please feel free to message me at any time to work on military/traits and anything else. _____________________________________________________________ [@Terminal] Caelrumoste Regency: Your sheet is long O.O You appear to be lacking info on your military - while this isn't a game of EU4, obviously military action will have some role, so while you don't need to go super into detail, a basic summary is useful. Otherwise... nothing sticks out to me as needing revision. Looks good!