[center][h2]Pixy | WHITE GLINT |[/h2] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca0x_f8sWHA[/youtube][/center] [hr] The sniper follows her set of directions to the meeting point, hiding and listening. [i]"Blue Suns? I'm gonna make em piss their pants."[/i] She spends this time checking her gear and grabbing bountiful amounts of thermal clips for her sniper. She cloaks and heads up to the catwalk, sitting down and uncloaking behind some cover. She looks towards the offices, her eerie green sensors staring them down. [i]"Children... Using children to fight, just as bad as fucking Cerberus..."[/i] She looks out from behind cover, aiming down her sniper rifle. She opens comms with everyone behind her, using a voice changer to hide her identity... She sounds gender neutral. "Blue Suns spotted in the distance, prepare for combat. Yes, White Glint is here to assist, however, if you're a liability to survival I will train my sights onto you. Back onto the subject, it appears to be mainly comprised of infantry units. Easy pickings if you ask me. Arm your guns and be prepared to unleash all hell on them." She seems to be asserting her position as a battle commander. She aims up and her sensors take in data... She then fires, a round slamming through a Blue Suns infantry merc. "Scratch one tango." She doesn't seem to actively enjoy killing, perhaps old memories.