[@LemonZest1337] At the end of the briefing, Felix made her way back towards Jenny, who was busy trying to quietly nibble on a steel beam. She hopped onto her lap -since it was doubtful she'd hear anything- to get her attention. [color=a187be]"Rescue mission, pack extra fuel-cells unless you feel like dragging a dead mech or three by yourself. Planetside population is somewhat primitive, is also hot and humid. Try to avoid lethal force. We leave at 1200... so be sure to get to the hangar by 1150 [i]unless you want to try getting dressed with everyone watching you[/i]."[/color] At the last part she nodded in Cahreli's general direction. [color=a187be]"Seems you've made yourself quite a friend with that one."[/color] Her tone, although much more human than Roxanne's briefing, gave a an air of being abrupt and to the point. Aside from noticing she'd probably given a less than stellar first impression for many of the people here, she also ended with a certain warmth that suggested she hadn't [i]completely[/i] ruined her life here, yet. [color=a187be]"I'll be in the hanger if you need me to do anything else before we go. If you get lost, don't be afraid to ask Eileen or Ray for help; it's what they're here for."[/color] She then hopped down and strolled away. Upon reaching the hangar she'd planned on budying herself with outfitting winches, grapples, and a recovery-module to Roche, her power-armor... mostly cleats to help anchor herself and a folding A-frame crane to help right any significantly larger mechs... plus repair-tools.