As the Treeminder had expected, it did take several days to make the necessary amount of ink for Julan to start receiving his tattoos, which would take the better part of the week to complete with magical assistance. Julan was no longer giving any protest against receiving them, but he also did not show much in the way of enthusiasm for it. It was the day that the tattoos were going to start being applied, and Julan was rather silent for most of the morning. Although, Kaleeth seemingly did not notice, or was simply ignoring that fact, as she seemed to almost be excited. All three of them were gathered around one of the communal fires having their breakfast, just the same as many others in the village. With as long as they had been present, the novelty of their visitors had worn off for much of the village, and most of them did not pay much special attention to them anymore. A few had been social enough to strike up conversations with one or more of them over the past few days, but they were being left alone this morning. Kaleeth was eating trodh, which were not only served uncooked, but still [i]alive[/i], and were meant to be swallowed whole. Even for one who had been raised in a lycan clan as Julan, it was still strange enough to distract him for the moment. After they ate, he would be heading straight for the treeminder. [hr] Ahnasha hummed a moment to herself, though did not say anything particularly revealing to her thoughts. "Hmph, is that right? Well, I'll just start out shooting with ten, and see where everything goes from there." She said neutrally. Stepping up to the same spot they had been shooting from, Ahnasha held her bow forward with an arrow nocked, though not drawn. She gave a nod towards Shevari, waiting for her to be ready to time her shots. Compared to the last time she shot, she definitely looked different, distinctly focused. Monderyn had shown himself capable, so now, Ahnasha was looking to impress. Though not as much of an archer as she was a conjurer now, Ahnasha had not lost any of her skills over the years either. She aimed forward, tilting her bow slightly to the side, and waiting for Shevari to give the signal before drawing her first arrow. Ahnasha fired quickly, and just as she had recommended to Monderyn, did not bother pulling to full draw before shooting. Though, it was her refined technique in readying another arrow that showed her experience. There were no wasted movements in drawing from her quiver, and with the way her bow was angled, it was easy enough to nock and load it onto the left side of the bow. She did not grip the bow tightly, but instead held it loose with her hand opened to improve her stability. When she went to draw, she did not even bother to turn her hand over to the other side of the string and waste the brief moment it would require to make the motion, instead drawing the string back in a reversed grip. Altogether, Ahnasha loosed arrow after arrow in rapid succession. Even she could not hit the center ring every time while shooting so quickly, but that was not required for this challenge. Eight shots out of ten found their mark, but what was notably impressive was the fact that she did so with a full five seconds to spare.