[center][img]https://i-h2.pinimg.com/564x/3c/24/2e/3c242eb786d1eae1ac53ed1713794e30.jpg[/img][/center] [center] You know this story, told to you as a child before bed like countless thousands of others only to repeat them to your own. The names, places, feats and foes may change but it is a compelling story of how good triumphs over evil; how love prevails; friendship and peace manifesting into some ambiguous 'light' designed to strike down the 'dark'. You knew this story, it compelled bravery against adversaries and trials of spirit through your growth into something...[i]more[/i]. A hero? Perhaps that was how you were remembered, though power is not always so pure. Regardless, kingdoms and their throes of innocents depended on you, trusted in your experience and motivation to do what platoons of the king's finest could not. Holy purpose? Power? Other personal reasons? Maybe it was as simple as money and fame that drove you to sign your arms away with the intent to strike down the darkening horizons that came to [i]your[/i] land. It may have even been so simple as being in the wrong place at the wrong time before the darkness of The Cold King Kazzok appeared. Your efforts were in vain, however. Your gods failed you, and all of the words in all of the books in your world could not spell away the darkness that devoured your friends. Why you were spared is between you and King Kazzok, and some countless time has passed that you've been suspended in a sort of limbo-y stasis which may have only been minutes or years.[/center] [center]__________________________________________________________[/center] [center]It was the same for every world. Dark clouds rumbled, accumulating in the distance in a swirl of towering nimbus before the spike falls. An arrow being shot from the sky, the ground quakes and day becomes night as The Coffin's Nail strikes into the earth. Dust and debris fog the land and sounds can be heard from the storm of ungodly machinations and abominations alike. By the time the mess settles, all that's left is the smoke on the horizon of besieged settlements and crumbled castles as a black tower remains, silhouetted in the mire of the clouds above. To your knowledge, this is where the story ends. [i]You[/i] were the heroes sent to defeat the evil. Supposedly [i]You[/i] were what light the kingdoms of the land set their petty squabbles aside to collect. Supposedly. Through some slip or misinterpretation, all hope was lost, the countryside and perhaps even the world looking on as the coming night sought to blot out the sun forever...another stepping stone for Kazzok and his conquest.[/center] [center]_________________________________________________________[/center] [center][img]https://i-h2.pinimg.com/564x/9e/7a/9c/9e7a9c0464fbe8894f7d9b621c365c51.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Well, this is where the story would have ended until lucidity returned to you in an instant, vision painting a blurry picture of bars to a cell. With a few blinks you realize you were in fact [i]not[/i] dead. You were a prisoner. Why Kazzok had let you live, you had no idea. Or perhaps you did. Being paraded as trophies of conquest was one such idea. Or perhaps he wanted you to be his 'playthings'. Regardless, you were alive. Your story is not over. Undo your mistake. Can you though?[/center] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] Hey everyone! This is a reboot-ish of an RP of [@Lumiere]. He will be the co-GM of this and me and him will be working together in running this. Here's some additional stuff that [@Lumiere] posted in the previous incarnation. [quote=@Lumiere]...this is a Post-Apocalyptic Multiverse Fantasy with room for steampunk elements. [u][b]Post Apocalypse -[/b][/u] Ya goof'd. Or someone goofed that caused your previous crew to not do so hot in the 'stopping the big baddy' department. You're welcome to team up with other peoples to be from the same dimension and write all kinds of flowery prose about the world you came from. It might even be relevant, later down the line. [u][b]Multiverse -[/b][/u] Yes? Yes! It is! Kinda... Kazzok and his aspirations seek to consume the multiverse, and in this, all manner of heroes are capable of having opposed his will at some point. All races are a go (with explanation if they're non-conventional fantasy variants, though demons and angels get a special place in Kazzok's warm and welcoming heart, and, being entities of energy, serve a purpose that knocks them down a mortal peg. This isn't to even begin to mention the separation from their planar anchors. [u][b]Fantasy -[/b][/u] Magic, elves, dwarves, entities of the fay, nature spirits, undeath and all of that goodness. Matters are often settled by the sword and magic is a part of every-day life. Individuals from other dimensions may not see this the same way and conflict may arise, but such is the situation when unlikely allies are [u]forced[/u] to join. (I underline 'forced' because there may only be room for 4-8 people with situational room for more to join mid-way) [u][b]Steampunk -[/b][/u] See that whole Multiverse thing above? Technology can come from other realms, and Kazzok would certainly be interested in the knowledge and magics of other civilizations.[/quote] [hr] If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me or [@Lumiere]. [hider=Rules] 1) Standard Roleplayer Guild rules. No godmodding and stuff. 2) As GM, I reserve the right to have my word to be law within the boundaries of this RP. Even overriding other rules. 2.5) As co-GM, [@Lumiere] enjoys these same privileges. 3) If there are problems with the RP or with other players, you can take it to me (so I can take it to someone who could deal with it lol!). 4) Do NOT post your character in the Characters Tab. Only I have dominion there. 5) Only post once when you are [u][b]interacting[/b][/u] with an NPC or doing an action. You can post as many as you want when you are talking (and ONLY talking) to another player. 6) Updates (i.e. My posts to move the story along) will generally occur every weekend (Keep in mind that I am UTC+8) or when everyone has posted. However, if you do not post, I will still update without affecting your character as much as possible. Worst case scenario, I will assume your character did nothing. 7) Please post something in the OOC if you are still interested just unavailable at the moment. If you do not post within two or three weeks still without any post given, I will be forced to drop you from this RP. 8) If you have read the rules, write 'LUMIERE IS MY SENPAI' at the bottom of your character sheet. (Helping others regarding this rule is discouraged unless you are vouching for that person.) [u]REGARDING COMBAT, PVP OR OTHERWISE[/u] I, alone, shall decide which attacks connect, which attacks fail, which attacks do not happen at all due to circumstances, etc. In short, I decide who the victor is in combat. You have my word that I will be as fair as possible. If that is not enough, then I'm afraid this is not up for debate. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Appearance: ([u][b]Please refrain from using real-life images[/b][/u]) Former Title: (Optional) Nickname/Alias: (It's not likely anyone will know you're lying) Name: Age: Pronouns: (Such confusion) Race: (Elementals even including Demons/Angels will have their powers significantly impacted) Personality: (Not super essential. I'm sure it'll come out in the wash) Abilities/Powers: (Their effects are profoundly suppressed at the start, but you're welcome to write out the big nasties about them) Equipment: (At the start of the thread, you have been relieved of all equipment. Sorry :C ) (This spot would be for armaments and armor) Inventory: (See above) (This spot is for non-combat related items you're carrying (Not wearing. See appearance)) Origin: (The world you came from before...well...tell us about where you're from! ^^; ) Backstory: (What lead up to current events?) Other: (Miss anything? Phobias, likes, quirks that don't somehow fit into personality, maybe a theme song?) [/hider]