Silas silently watched while Ducaelia circled the group and presented her piece on Madlock. Cyne meanwhile had established a stiff and orderly posture since the beginning of the meeting and was presumably unfazed even after the Vandrell stepped closely around him. Nevertheless, he kept his eyes on her. After Ducaelia settled back into the fold, Silas briefly turned his attention to Gerad, [color=00a651][b]"Perhaps, but regardless he shouldn't be underestimated. Neither should his own league of assassins either."[/b][/color] Silas paused for a moment before pulling a holographic map of a city, with displayed colored borders representing the control for each Horsemen as well as the know battle lines as well. [color=00a651][b]"From what intel that was gather for this job, he'll have many of his "Ravens" scattered around the City of Duran. The resistance on ground had already lost many of their fighters to his assassins so we should certainly keep our eyes open. Things are likely to get dicey quick once they pounce. On the other hand, Ducaelia is right, his personal force wills till be relatively small so, 'Death' will not have much protection around him. The same unfortunately cannot be said about the other Horsemen..."[/b][/color] Numerous dots then appeared on the map, showcasing the number of troops, defensive positions, and mechanized assets at the control of each Horseman. [color=00a651][b]"Korman Deval, Pulov Gorcht, and Sheva Lasminee are known to surround themselves with many of their soldiers so they will not be as eacy to reach unlike Jason Madlock. This however could not be more true with Deval. While Gorcht's and Lasminee's forces are mainly thugs, his are professional and far more organized than the rest. Reaching him will prove the most difficult."[/b][/color] Silas scanned the map, sighing as he did so, [color=00a651][b]"I don't doubt our abilities but in all honesty, now that he has high jacked Precolis' military assets and even leveraged personnel into his unit, brute forcing our way to him with be nigh impossible. Our best way to getting rid of him will be to avoid contact with his troops and bypass his defenses 'til we're right on top of him. Intelligence of the area as well as information gathered by the resistance indicate two possible ways to reach him."[/b][/color] [color=00a651][b]"Deval had decided to fortify the manor of an ousted and now deceased politician but apparently, he has yet to figure out that the former resident has designed a complex sewer network under the manor that also served as backdoor in case of escape was necessary. We could use this network to bypass his PMC troops altogether,"[/b][/color] Silas then pointed new a continuous dashed line that joined War's and Conquest's territories, [color=00a651][b]"alternatively, Lasminee has a supply line where slaves are loaded and transported throughout the city for forced labor. Once such line pushes past Deval's defense line and is lightly guarded. If we could compromise one of her transports, that'll get us within reach of Deval also. Speaking of Lasminee..." [/b][/color] [color=00a651][b]"Her's and Gorcht's forces as mentioned are nothing but immoral thugs - did I say they were immoral? Lasminee's cruelty knows no bounds and there have been many disturbing reports of unwilling slaves either being used as shields or even mixed in with her troops and forced to fight. While I am confident we can steamroll our way to her, we will however be risking civilian casualties. The resistance is already uncomfortable about requesting outside help and getting several civilians killed will undoubtedly cause the resistance to withdraw their support and aid to us."[/b][/color] Silas again tapped at the map and new blips appeared, [color=00a651][b]"fortunately we do have a solution to this predicament. Many of the slaves will have remote detonation collars attached to them which can be easily and wirelessly interfaced with, resulting in their execution if they don't obey and fall in line. These collars receive control signals from several control towers which are in turn, networked to a facility within Gorcht's territory. Honestly, Gorcht's forces will perhaps be the easiest to deal with so we could very well not only kill Gorcht and eliminate Lasminee's trump card and throw her own troops into disarray dealing with the 'liberated' slaves."[/b][/color] Silas finally stepped backed and composed himself before turning his attention back to his team, [color=00a651][b]"I understand that we have a lot on our plates for this job and there are going to be many obstacles we're going to deal with as well..."[/b][/color] He couldn't help but noticed Cyne's attention still locked on the map and he immediately knew what was going through his head, [color=00a651][b]"...especially some moral ones as well. However we have to remember this is a job and we're not doing this out of the kindness of our hearts. If anything, we're doing the resistance a huge favor and they in turn will scratch our backs after this is all done. Having said that, does any of us have any questions or concerns?"[/b][/color]