[hider=Aelsu] [center][color=9e005d][h2]Aelsu[/h2][/color] [img]https://i-h2.pinimg.com/564x/3e/65/5b/3e655bb8882899648ae73d2e6a3bd4c8.jpg[/img] [sub][color=9e005d]"You outlanders call the Orisiri primitive, and barbaric...yet we do not kill for sport."[/color][/sub][/center] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 25 [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] Orisiri [b][u]Origin:[/u][/b] Eroammir [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Aelsu's appearance is what one atypically would find of an Orisiri. She stands at a reasonable five foot four, with pointed ears, bright blue eyes and the pointed teeth of her people. Tanned skin, with bright red hair though lacking most of the decorative ornamentation her people normally wears. She can often be seen wearing lightweight, colorful armor that is a mix of metal and cloth, put together over years of being a combatant in Eroammir's arena. Her body is covered in scars both new and old, and overall she can give off a very intimidating appearance. She carries with her a spear, and at her waist is a backup sword for an armament. Her wardrobe does not vary much, and while she longs for some of her peoples more traditional garb, she realizes wishing for such a thing is folly, especially with her odd profession. She however, does wear a single decorative band of green beads braided into her hair. A final gift from her father, if she remembers correctly. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Aelsu is a quiet person, though only by learned behavior. A slave and gladiator is not to speak, but to kill. If they must speak, it must be quietly and with purpose. She quickly learned that speaking with the mouth was not a way she should communicate. All she had to do was kill whoever was in front of her, and she'd live. Despite what one might think, Aelsu is not bloodthirsty or in any way violent. Whenever she fights, its always with a purpose. Either for a gift to the Orisiri's gods or self defense. Generally speaking though, Aelsu is a friendly, thoughtful sort. Not great at holding prolonged conversations, but if you want to talk about weapons, how much she hates Eroammir, the people from there, and how much she'd love to see it razed and burned to the ground then she'll be an excellent conversation partner. [b][u]History:[/u][/b] Aelsu was taken from the Aouril Plains by a ragtag group of people seeing to make a quick buck on selling a savage Orisiri to the Arena at Eroammir. Such a long time ago she hardly even remembers anything from them. Just the breeze across the plains, the whooping and hollering of the Orisiri warriors, and the warm sun. She isn't even sure if Aelsu is her name. Its just the first thing she blurted out when asked to name herself by the people looking after her. She quickly had to learn how to wield a weapon, defend herself if she were to survive in the Arena, eventually hopefully buying her freedom. She made both herself and her benefactors quite a bit of money, over the years, and she even became mildly famous in Eroammir for her accomplishment in the arena. So it was quite a surprise to many when she decided to attempt inciting a small rebellion among the gladiators. A small rebellion of some other prisoners and gladiators. They were going to die anyways, so why not try for their freedom? Even as ill-fated as it was, and as swiftly as it was defeated, though, they didn't kill her. Fools. She was to be executed publicly, an example of the feral 'Orisiri'. She waited her execution without much complaint, a reasonable outcome. She wondered briefly if her gods had been watching her entire life and fight, eager to meet whatever beings made her. It was then, she was approached by the Order, taking her into their wing without her consent. ...perhaps this was the freedom she was looking for. [b][u]Relationships:[/u][/b] N/A [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] Minor medical practice. Novice knowledge of medical herbs. Swordsmanship Use of Polearms, specifically spears Minor leather working. [b][u]Magic:[/u][/b] Unknown, never tested or thought much about it. [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] Bedroll Flint Tinder Water Canteen Some Rations An old spear in good condition An old sword in slightly less good condition Her armor. 20 gold Order Emblem [/hider]