[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fpkngGI.png[/img] [h3][color=Chocolate]~Chieko Okawa~[/color][/h3][/center] Hero's District, Priestella Death count: 1 Reset Count: 4 [hr] Chieko blinked. Donovan just told them something rather amazing, didn't he? That was very useful information. If it could cure incense poisoning, then she could really help! [color=chocolate]"Hmhm. Of course, of course I did well."[/color] She smiled under her scarf, glad to hear some form of praise. More importantly though, was that Quill person. Well, it was probably nothing...or was it? Chieko held her candle, quickly dousing the lit wick. If the words from the others were right, then they were attacked by cloaked people. Someone then set up candles in Donovan's place that then put others to sleep. Quill was here, and likely knew of the candles from Donovan's words. Likely culprit? Eh, didn't matter. Had fire magic now. Chieko focused back on her candle. [color=chocolate]"Goa!"[/color] Chieko tried pouring more energy into it this time, feeling the flow of her so called magic as she tried to light the candle once again, only for the entire thing to spontaneously combust. [color=chocolate]"Wah!"[/color] Chieko made a decidedly girly yelp as the entire candle nearly burned all at once, reflexively tossing the burning candle out of her hands...and careening right towards Quill's back as she left. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vC3QHdp.png[/img] [h3][color=slategray]Mie Yukima[/color][/h3][/center] Below Ground - The Arena floor [hr] Damn, she was hoping she could just put her particular set of lesser reputable skills to use, but no. These guards were the actual well trained sort. Not some rag tag group of thugs she had been expecting. Okay, that complicated matters just a bit. As Mie moved through the crowd, carrying a tray and while she may be new, she certainly seemed like she knew what she was doing. She was hoping to avoid some needless complications, but these guards just weren't going to let this be easy, were they? [color=slategray]"Apologies, my lord."[/color] Mie replied to their question with her usual playful grin, a soft, honeyed voice that one of the oldest profession in the book might have used to entice. [color=slategray]"This little fox is known as Tsuki, and the kitten is known as Hana."[/color] She sorely hoped Elque would play along. Aliases were needed in this sort of operation. Hm, access to this backroom may prove a useful opportunity to slip away.