[hider=Guess, Awesomoman, Suku, and Skyrte] [center][h3]Verdant Woodlands: To The Healer's Hut[/h3][/center] [@Guess Who],[@Suku] The minds of the escaped fugitives was at least somewhat put at ease as Hilde explained that she would hear them out. Given that they had few among them that were high born and well spoken, after a hushed discussion many of them agreed that Cayde should be the one to explain their situation to the wandering knight, while in the meantime they would tear off parts of their sleeves in order to fashion makeshift braces and bandages, hurriedly affixing them to those with cuts or broken limbs in an effort to speed recovery before meeting the doctor. Corday was still on the makeshift stretcher, groaning in her unconsciousness as pain still racked her body and mind. [@Awesomoman64] Whilst the two would discuss however, the superior hearing of an Erune would allow Sid to hear something rustling from within the nearby bushes on the sides of the woodland road, and from the sound of it, something relatively big. It didn't seem at all perturbed by the presence of people, as it continued to stay still, unmoving from its verdant perch but hidden by the thick foliage. The faintest glimmer of an eye could be seen from amidst the leaves, before a sizeable rabbit would leap out and dash between the legs of the present party. In the distance, a thunderous echo resounded throughout the forest, quickly pushing through and moving in a clear direction towards the road. [@Skyrte] Eyes turned to the sky, Arno would see a large, wyvern type monster soaring along, casual as a bird but clearly far out of its normal hunting grounds. Before he could wounder what exactly it was that had driven it so far out, in an instant jaws would snatch, and a long, serpentine body marred with burns would slam the Wyvern into the ground, far into the forest beyond them. Sid might have seen it too,though the rabbit may have proven to be a distraction. Whatever that was, it was clearly not an ordinary monster, given the impossible scale of it. [/hider] [hider=Ammo, Enk] [center][h3]Road to Recovery[/h3][/center] [@Enkryption] Amanita couldn't help but hide behind Mucu as she watched Oliver leave, wondering just what Marshall had done to anger Oliver...he'd explained his position as a Knight, but...Marshall was a nice person to her. So, how could he have done something so bad to make someone like THAT swear revenge upon him? It didn't make sense, nor did Mushi suddenly leaving...and forgetting her sword, apparently. Turning to Marshall, Amanita nervously rugged on the back of his arm. [color=bc8dbf][b]"U-Um...Mr. Marshall...what's not lost? Oh! Mucu, go give Mushi her sword. She shouldn't be out and about so soon, so...c-could you go fast and make sure she doesn't re-open her wounds?"[/b][/color] she requested, turning to her myconid companion before he would nod, waddling over to her sword and hefting it up, before lowering his stance and jetting out of the room at an unbelievable speed, arms swinging as he ran as fast as he could to chase after Amanita. Marhsall would suddenly feel a pressure in his mind however, as he would feel a familiar beating echo through the pulse of life the island carried. Envy had landed. [@Ammokkx] Not missing a beat after that, Amanita turned to Cyll and bowed her head, immediately apologizing. [color=bc8dbf][b]"I-I'm sorry you had to be here for that. Are you still hungry? I have plenty of food for seconds if you like."[/b][/color] she would say, offering him an awkward smile. She'd heard from the kitchen his excitement at her food, and that made her a bit happy. [color=bc8dbf][b]"We still have a few grilled fish leftover too, so don't be shy about asking for more food, okay? Patients can't heal on empty stomachs."[/b][/color] Harlequin, now out from under Mushi's bed since the argument concluded, promptly hopped up and onto Marshall's shoulder with a surprising degree of ease, the food having done wonders as she curled up around his neck, holding onto her tail for stability as she became a little living fluffy scarf for him. It was barely fitting for someone like Marshall, yet the cat didn't care at all for aesthetics in regards to her master. She would turn her head towards Cyll and give a soft meow as it looked at the small scraps of the fish he had eaten, wanting more for herself as well. [/hider] [hider=42nd Gecko] [@The 42nd Gecko] [center][h3]Mushrooms and Megalomania[/h3][/center] Mushi may have intended on returning at some point, but that would have been too late for Mucu's tastes. As Mushi ran, she would hear fast footsteps behind her giving chase, and if she looked back, she would see the world's fastest mushroom barreling towards her, her sheathed blade in his hand and with a furrowed brow. It wasn't clear if he was upset or just exerting himself from all the running, but it sure was fucking [i]scary[/i] that such a pudgy round thing could run as fast, if not faster than she could. Rather, she would notice after observing for a second, he wasn't running at all. He was kicking the ground with his legs so hard that it was propelling him forward at high speeds, acting like a springboard. After a time, whether through Mushi seeing no point to continue running or Mucu just outpacing her after a time, he would present her sword to her, holding up a slip of paper from Amanita, saying: [i]"Mushee, i an so sorre abbot this. U Fourgot yor sword, and u shoodnt be running a round now. Pleas com bak or at leest rest on yor trip. -Amanita"[/i] ...Well, it was certainly clear that Amanita never went to school, but it was at least somewhat parsable to Mushi. Before she could decide on where to go though, a rustle could be heard from the nearby bushes, before a [url=https://i.imgur.com/uZxVhi7.jpg]tall woman dressed in gray and black[/url] emerged from the forest, the faintest look of confusion on her face as she observed Mushi and Mucu. The myconid man suddenly froze, completely ceasing movement as he observed her, before his stocky body trembled uncontrollably. [color=E0FFFF][b]"Playing at being friends with skydwellers, are you?"[/b][/color] she would say, slowly approaching. Mushi wouldn't be able to put a finger on it, but this woman reeked of danger. She approached Mucu, arms outstretched, seemingly ignoring the draph that stood beside him. [color=E0FFFF][b]"Legion. Come now, you know better than that."[/b][/color] [/hider]