[center][h1] The First Grandmaster [/h1][/center] Regardless of the attention drawn by the sudden flash of her mirror shard, the woman that dropped down from it, landing with inhuman grace and balance, might have caused surprise or interest among those used to...other types. As the black haired woman rose to her feet atop the mattress set up to catch fallers, eyes scanned the space, hands going to brush off her uniform, internal checks being performed. A full system diagnosis was completed in moments, showing no viruses, no foreign programs, everything was as it had been seconds before, onboard the fleet flagship enroute to another star system. Arsenal was intact, even down to the Special Weapons left over from the last conquest. This indicated that a standard shift had occurred. Stepping calmly off from the mattress, boots clamped down against the floor, making the proper sound for whatever material it was made from, dust being kicked up in the process. Stella's gaze narrowed, as her head turned, taking the space in, unarmed seemingly for the moment, hair moving in time with her head shifting, swishing behind her. Gloved hands lifted, as her arms crossed, the digits now gripping each arm, as they folded together, against the fabric of her uniform. Her vision picked up on all the shards around, marking hers on the minimap that was overlaid onto her vision, part of her HUD, which also monitored her systems, and people around. A scan confirmed that wherever here was, it wasn't within range of a relay terminal. Indicating that odds were this was another dimension. Though that had already been considered with the loss of communication to the Treasury of the Doctor, or to the hivemind at large. The shards were likely tied to how she had been brought here, given she detected no other means of spacial or reality warping. In other words, some sort of summoning system, which could get past normal means of guarding against space manipulation. She could only assume that her siblings, all several billions of them were hard at work trying to figure out what happened. It was likely then that the Doctor would be preparing an investigation to locate her, and reestablish the hivemind link. As the first Rockroid, she had known what it was like before the hivemind had grown up, so she accepted this separation. She scanned her space again, spotting at least two bio-data signatures, but neither were given a copy, as Stella didn't want to risk running into anyone who could counter such, yet. But finally, the silent being turned her attention to whoever seemed to be in charge of the space, and made eye contact if possible without moving from her spot. But if needed, she'd move to a point where she could address the other easily. [color=lightcoral] "You, explain. Present location, and reason for being summoned here. Your identity as well." [/color] Her tone was direct, and held no pleasantries, all business. It could have been taken rudely, but one couldn't blame the advanced lifeform, this was the routine when in new areas where no information was given instantly.