For the past week, Janius had been enjoying his stay in the village. He did his part, of course, but with nothing on his personal agenda but waiting for Julan to receive his tattoos, he found the simplicity refreshing. It was something of a holiday from his life in the clan. He was openly appreciative of the time he spent with Kaleeth and Julan, and his Jel had even improved a little. On the auspicious morning, Julan's quiet had not escaped Janius. Janius himself did not quite have the taste for live trodh, instead eating a simpler roasted fish from the swamps. After another mouthful peering curiously at Julan, Janius tapped him on the arm. "So, how are you feeling? I can tell you're greatly excited, at least." He chuckled. [hr] Ahnasha's display was apparently just the distraction Fendros was hoping for. The skill and precision on display had everyone rapt. After her volley of ten arrows, Llarasa started a round of applause that spread to everyone. Monderyn took a few moments to snap himself out of his own surprise. He cleared his throat. "Well shot, Ahnasha," he said. "Let's see how Fendros fares. Unless you would like to try as many as you can. You had some time left there." "Seven, mother," Rhazii raised his hands with a grin. "I hit seven. I didn't shoot that fast, I didn't even shoot eight arrows. I think uncle Monderyn just wanted to see what you could do." The corner of Monderyn's mouth lifted. "All in good fun." "You would do that all the time with me and Fendros, Monderyn," Llarasa spoke up. "You got Fendros so flustered one time because you convinced him I could shoot more accurately with a bow at one hundred paces. I was only nine years old!" Fendros exhaled into a broad embarrassed grin. "I'll never forget that. I was up until after dark trying to beat your champion score, Llarasa." He stood up. "Alright, if Ahna gets to show off, so do I." He approached the group and took the bow. All the while, Calia leaned in to speak quietly to S'nashi and Gwindir. "Perhaps, if possibly, we might keep each other informed about Meesei should we find out more information. There is a great deal of unexplained power that our children may be embroiled in." She smiled. "But for now, let us enjoy the picnic."