Cosmos stood a little ways away from the door to the North Wings hallway. She had been standing there, waiting for the Travelers to arrive, like they were want to do, when two new mysterious visitors appeared from the Mirror Shards floating in the air. She stood ram rod straight, and bowed slightly, upon seeing a man in...wizard robes? She had remembered seeing a picture of such fancy clothing in an artbook that Coggs owned. The man even had a fancy staff that she could see him stow away in his impressive robes. The other visitor was a rather tall, official woman in uniform. She landed gracefully on the matresses, it reminded her almost of how Shou Hanamura used to hop around the training grounds in the Old Reality. Cosmos nodded, as the woman asked in no warm voice what the fuss was about this strange new predicament they both found themselves in. The wizard asked nicer, though something told her that what she was seeing about his kind appearance was off. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye, the nagging sensation of looking at a picture slightly skewed to one side crawled its way into her mind. [color=0072bc]"Yes, I can explain all."[/color] She said, in a clear voice. She was glad the two of them seemed to be taking this so well, the last bunch had freaked out a little bit, and it took far too long to calm them all down. [color=0072bc]"My name is Cosmos, I'm the first intergalactic Agent at Paradox Agency. I am also your tour guide, as well as advisor for the upcoming Arena Royale. You two are the first to arrive at the Arena, and rooms have already been made and fit to accomodation. You will have to stay here, in this Arena until the Royale has finished, and you have won your ticket out of here. I'm afraid you can't leave immediately as of showing up, there are no doors or windows out of the Arena, and the only things awaiting you outside of these an impermeable sea of white." You have found yourselves in another dimension, trapped more or less, only known as the Inbetween. You will make camp here for however long the Royale lasts, which is upward to a month, or even more."[/color] She finished speaking. She bowed slightly once more, it only seemed right in the situation they were in. [color=0072bc]"I cannot change your current problem...but sorry that you have to participate. If it were up to me, I'd send you home with that shard in hand, but it isn't to be. So for now, the best I can do is show you to your rooms." [/color]