[quote=@Dealdric] [@Mag Lev] Question: Even though the star-fallen are supposed to be thought as Aetherials, are some more corrupt and dark-natured than others? [/quote] Ah, I had been anticipating a question like this. Well, sort of. This brings up the generally vague definition of 'Aetherial' that I had created for this world early on. For a bit of extrapolation, it is best that I state that most scholars prescribe to the belief that there is the world's Material realm, where the Races reside, and the Aetherial realm where magic originated from. In the Aetherial realm lives creatures which the scholars believe to consist of near pure Aether or are simply infused with Aether to empower their manipulation of it. From this came the belief that, in necromancy, one can summon an Aetherial with enough Aether, though of course this costs more than any being is able to obtain normally. While the effects of such summoning have been negative, in most cases, it is believed that the 'Demons' summoned are simply Aetherials with ill will towards those of the Material realm. It is safe to say that, if Starfallen were Aetherials, then it is entirely possible they are borne from these 'Demons. However it is entirely possible that they are Aetherials which don't have such ill will. Though this is mostly thinking in the black-white logic that the Scholars established for the Aetherials when, in reality, they could vary in personality just as much as the other Races do.