[hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5mYWI0N2YuVG1Ga2FXRWdTbTl6WlhSMFpRLCwuMAAAAAAA/natyl.demo.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/5d29dea86c2febd7625e541c6edc53db/tumblr_of582g6R3W1qhgz1ko1_500.gif[/img] [/center][hr][indent] [color=lightsalmon]"Wow...!"[/color] Nadia had to admit that she fell in love with the atmosphere of the place. A good number of people had slowly piled in, some alone, some with friends, but all trying to match their paired partners. But she loved the numerous lights, feeling like she was surrounded by stars. A little cheesy, yeah, but it got her excited, returning greetings and compliments that she was given. The food in her stomach probably added to her good mood, and she had to admit that she hadn't fully noticed that she had taken Sonny's hand in hers. Everything was just so nice and warm and charming, she just liked everything right now. Nothing wrong with being in a good mood, right? Before she could ask Sonny what he wanted to do first, she found herself being pulled away. She had been so drawn into everything that she had missed his question entirely, simply blinking her green eyes at him. Shoot, hopefully it wasn't anything important. Luck seemed to be on her side, though, as he seemed apologetic for taking her away from the music. Ironically she wasn't much for music, she just listened to whatever but had no actual opinion on anything. At his question, however, she lit up considerably, nodding enthusiastically. She hesitated for a second, wondering if that had been what he was talking about before. [color=lightsalmon]"Um, sure, if you want,"[/COLOR] She decided to put it in his court, just in case he didn't want to. She was fine just talking if he wanted, her grip on his hand a little softer as she wanted to let him know she was fine with whatever. [/indent][hr]