In the year 3019 all hell had broken loose in a small town called Noblesville. It was all due to a toxin being released as part of an evil experiment a famous scientist who went by the name Drax tried 100 years ago, in a city nearby. Some of his assistants who were aware of what his plan was were not happy with his idea, and sprang into action to stop the release of this toxin from polluting the air unfortunately the toxin was not stopped, and it was already released long before these assistance could stop him and as expected it ate the flesh of any living thing it came in contact with the City went into a panic. It was immediately broken all over the news and given much attention via social media days would soon go by and people in the city who were not hit by it would be out doors less and less hiding in fear and in doubt of their safety it was already too late for those people who had heard about it on the radio you couldn't see it and it didn't have any kind of scent so all who found shelter were stuck and all died of starvation this This city was quarantined and eventually forgotten about. One rainy day an insane doctor named Oliver Clark, who admired this scientist work and his beliefs decided to recreate this disaster in Noblesville and see if the results would pan out the same. Oliver visited the City wearing a suit that Drax had planned to create so he could step outside and see the disaster he created. Oliver would go inside the lab that Drax had used to create the Toxin he found the formula Drax his in a secret spot only Oliver knew about as happy as can be he says to himself "Finally! I have found the final piece to my own creation things are looking grrrrrriiiiimmmmmm pehahahahahahaha!!!!." Oliver makes it back to his lab and informs all workers to not disturb him as he will be busy for the rest of the day at 12:00am he finishes the toxin he has created using bacteria and dead animals with the final piece being the formula Drax created Oliver would then use his patient Scott Johnson as a lab rat he made the toxin into a cerium and without telling scott what he was getting into he injects him with the cerium Scoot flips out as he didn't know what was put inside him soon Scoot's face and body started pealing and his eyes begin to bleed Doctor Oliver was pleased with the results and turns his back for a moment but then hears some unpleasant noise behind him he turns around and sees . . . . . . . . Characters so far: Name: Oliver Clark Occupation: Doctor Background info: Born underneath a rotting corpse, to be found upon the brink of death by a kind mother, and disappointed father. The mother, shortly after Oliver turns 3-5, dies and the father blames Oliver, claiming she got a disease from saving him. Around the age of 9 the father starts to become physically abusive and eventually sells Oliver to an orphanage. At the age of 13 Oliver receives a gift from an unknown sender its a knife with a note telling Oliver once he picks it up he will know what to do with it he takes it out the box and viciously stabs the father who adopted him over and over until he dies, with no motive. The police later arrive (the father had death wails, neighbors called) Oliver looks at the police sitting in the pool of blood that is in the kitchen laughing/crying hysterically. The police ask what happened, and Oliver, not wanting to go to jail, says that someone broke in to the house and he stabbed and killed his dad. (Oliver busted open a window before the police came) From then on until he was 18, whatever family he lived with, all the neighborhood animals slowly started to disappear until he turned 18 he learned about Drax in school and soon after stopped kidnapping animals and would go on to become a doctor following the beliefs of his savior Drax. Name: Drax Occupation scientist Background info: Loves the unknown with a background the no one knows of not even people close to him. Name: Scott Johnson occupation: Gym Janitor Background: Patient of Oliver's with dreams of one day becoming a famous athlete.