So in my most recent post, I bring up an in-world game that I've mentioned in a few other posts, The Senses. I have a vague idea for how the game works. It's like checkers except piece movement changes with each turn. Turns are represented by one of the five Senses and depending one what Sense it is, movement of game pieces will change. In a typical competitive game, the sense that is represented each turn will alternate in a consistent order. Sight > Touch > Taste > Hearing > Smell > and then back to Sight. The player who goes second chooses which Sense to start the game with on the first round of turns. In other forms of the game, people randomize which sense is represented on each turn through a deck of cards. I may modify the rules slightly as I get a more cohesive idea for the game's mechanics. perhaps even allow for up to four players. Feel free to ask questions.