[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181008/b02a8e514a847d83c3d8892fffdb6f35.png[/img][/centre][hr] The most terrifying thing after anything would not be chaos nor grieves. It would be silence. The discussion that Jean was having with the ladies could not draft out the noiselessness of the aftermath. The aftermath of an era befallen. He wished he wasn't there to witness it. He just wished to be a bystander of the waves and storms, a person who merely looked back at the age and vowed not to make the same mistake. But unfortunately, he was forced to stand right in it, rowing the boat that could be capsized anytime 'He' wanted it to be. He stood in the other corner apart from the rest of the squad as he waited for the rest of the sappers to show up. They probably didn't hear him. At first, nobody seemed to pay attention, or even assisted in gathering the guys. Well ok. It wasn't anything too important. He just wanted to get to know at least their faces before they entered the tunnel together. His loneliness persisted until Middleton briefed the entire squad. First thing he mentioned was the most important thing to be taking in, as Michael moved forward to see the map that Daniel was forced to hold in his hand. The tunnel system. It was definitely complicated for sure, although not as fucked up as the trench layout, but there were corners that could potentially ruin a person's memory and perhaps lead to them getting lost then potentially running into unwanted enemies. And in rules of wars, being surprised would be a worst moment any soldiers could have, especially under tense combat. Michael wasn't too confident in his ability to memorize things as well. As any students would know, but probably wouldn't care, memorization would be like riding a bicycle with a flat tire. This, ironically, may be a hinder in his case. But nevertheless, he had a solution. Michael quickly reached for his pocket and reached out a piece of paper and began copying as much details of the tunnel as possible, prioritizing the pattern and important locations before moving onto the proportion between each tunnel segments before moving into the details. [color=bf00ff][I]'That should do it...'[/I][/color] Just as the map was retrieved, Michael had already scribbled down all the important information needed. He'd probably need to copy it onto another paper later, but right now was the bad news...or good? Middleton wouldn't be joining. He didn't know whether or not it was good or bad. He was indeed a decisive leader, but considering the fact that almost everybody he knew was against his reign of terror. It made him difficult to work with, and hard to carry out orders when he kept shoving it down people's throat. But in exchange was a legendary Imperial sniper Green Fox. Credited with hundreds of sniper kills, most of them disgustingly cleanly with one bullet to the brain, he was probably the Federation's most hunted enemy soldier, an outstanding soldier. Considering his status, Michael shuddered to think that he would be running under his scope. Maybe he would not bother killing a lowly soldier like him, but rather Jean, Isaac, Daniel or some other brasses would worth his time more. But who could get inside his head than him? He killed whoever he wanted. He was praying that Green Fox's scope wouldn't find its way to his head when the next information woke him right there. Wasn't anything surprising, but really intriguing and...contradicting. He was asking for Lucia's absolute protection. To an almost questionable degree. Michael could hear it in his voice. The stress of particular words and his eye contact. He meant it. While he did not hesitate to send thousands of people to their deaths and even forced the girl he wished to protect through an emotional trauma that any weak-hearted of a person would have shot themselves right there. It felt strange to hear such caring words, even though it was conveyed through his own vulgar language, especially to Lucia. She probably had a special relationship to him. But what was the question he wanted to uncover for his own. Then he left. Thank God he didn't press on further. It seemed enough for one day. Enough information to carry this mission out also. The only thing left necessary was their grit and ability that they had been trained for months and the experience in the first battle for a few others, hoping that could outweigh the Imperials. And that was only for the completion of the mission. Survival, however, was a different stories. As the squad began to move to Amone in an orderly fashion, Michael tried to call out for the sappers again. Thankfully, this time, there was actually someone who listened. [color=bf00ff]"Thanks for coming to me. One moment."[/color] He said as his hand whizzed through the paper like a lightning bolt, trying to copy down the whole map of the tunnel that Middleton showed them earlier once again onto yet another small piece of paper, or at least parts of it, using the same old tricks. Once done, he took the original one that he scribbled in the first place and handed it over to Reyna. [color=bf00ff]"Here. If you happen to forget."[/color] [@Bushman501]