[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/2/21/Hyperspace-TFA.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160402044121[/img][/center] The visors for her helmet were blacked out as Mevenn allowed the Force to flow through her limbs. [i]Double vision.[/i] Blaster bolt coming to her right shoulder, followed by one to her stomach. She swung her blade around blocking both bolts with a single movement of the blade, the training bolts being absorbed by her lightsaber rather than bounced back against anything. [i]Surrounded by friends, the feeling of victory on her mind.[/i] [i]Double Vision.[/i] A bolt coming for her left leg, followed by one to her right and then followed with one aimed at her head. She spun the blade down low, in a sweeping arc clockwise, before pulling it counter clockwise to protect her left leg. [i]Friends, brothers. Raised their weapons and fired.[/i] Mevenn gasped as a bolt collided with her helmet, sending her reeling backwards. Off balance and out of focus. Fear surged through her as she lashed out with the Force on the remote. Subsequently the remote exploded in a fiery ball of heat and plasma, the sound echoing throughout the ship as the room was charred from the flames. She pulled her helmet off gasping for air, turmoil crashing through her head as she relived the moment the Clones turned their weapon on her. Not aware as a couple of astromech droids came wheeling into the room to deal with the source of the flames, searching for the damage that had caused the explosion. She was numb to their probing beeping and whistles. How did she do it? How did it get to the point where she had to kill her brothers in arms? Surely there had been another way. She could have cast the grenade away, pinned them to the ground and tried to reason with them. This wasn't the way that it was supposed to be. If the war was over this wasn't fair, she shouldn't be here without them. Why her? Why Kresst? They made it out alive, was it simply because they were Jedi? Tears welled in her eyes, Mevenn tried to control the fear and the pain that grew within her but the more she tried to control her emotions the more a rage grew within her and so the tears fell. Grasping her knees she sat hunched on the floor, sobbing into her knees as the droids continued their business. The ship rocking through hyperspace. Taking them home.