The very first feeling Ed felt after witnessing the 'vision' he had was a tidal wave of exhaustion and immense pain. Every limb, muscle, and even bone relentlessly roared in protest for the slightest of movements; even the simple act of drawing breath hurt him in a way. His eyes were unfocused and his vision blurred. He could barely distinguish objects a couple feet away from his face and his head felt heavy. He could barely even think straight. The ringing in Ed's ears practically drowned out the sounds from his surroundings...but he could hear something that looped over and over again. His glazed eyes scanned around for the origin of the sound but try as he must he couldn't locate the source. Though soon, the newly evolved Ed would regain his ability to hear and see again. But before anything else happened, a notification popped in his head. [quote=System: Ed] TRANSFORMATION COMPLETE! Dire Rat > (Immature) Rat-Man! You have Transformed! Your base power-stats have increased! You have not reached your full Potential. Use Light Equipment skill is reduced. You possess the skill Stronger! You are developing the skill Dexterous! The Use Light Equipment skill is boosted! Current total is (0.8). You have not reached your full Potential. The Increase to Beast Sense is reduced to (0.5). New total is (2.4). Skill Rank Up: Beast Sense I > Beast Sense II! Passive sensory range increased. By actively focusing on one (1) sense, you can further increase that sense's sharpness. [/quote] [color=chocolate]' that's how you evolve.'[/color] The system notification had made it apparent to Ed of the changes his body underwent after becoming an immature ratman. The feeling was so familiar but also so foreign and alien to the reincarnator. Though, all things considered, he had little to complain about. He evolved without issue, he finally had hands now and his form was bipedal in a sense, and he was still in the tree hidden from the goblins. He had to make the best of the situation. Though there was the issue of the incessant squeaking. Wait. Squeaking? Ed finally paid attention to the source of the squeaking. It was Mother Rat perched atop his head. It seemed that she was worried sick for the former dire rat. Ed had to reassure her that he was alright. No matter how painful it was to speak. [color=chocolate]"I'm fine...I'm fine. Please...calm down."[/color] His voice came out, barely above a whisper. Though he hoped that by speaking alone, he could wrest away the worry and panic the elder dire rat was experiencing. Though as of now, there was little he could do while his body was recovering from the evolution. Ed would just had to settle to meditate. Maybe that would hasten the passing of the pain his body was experiencing? [hider=Stats] LVL: 5 HP: [color=Green]Healthy[/color] SP: [color=yellowGreen]Rested[/color] MP: [color=green]Full[/color] Effect/s: [b]SKILLS:[/b] Unspent Skill Points: [color=red]12[/color] Current Skills: Beast Sense II (1.4) Rabid Fit I (1.2) Stronger I (1.05) [color=green]ACTIVE[/color] Muffle I (1.0) [color=green]ACTIVE[/color] __________________________________ SKILL PROGRESS: Material Analysis (0.2) Magic Analysis (0.6) Monster Analysis (0.6) Faster (0.4) Warcry (0.1) Alert (0.3) Dexterous (0.8) Tremor Sense (0.025) Mental Resistance (0.9) Telepathy (0.075) Mana Shape (0.6) Focus (0.6) Shield (0.5) Mana Shell (0.3) Soil Manipulation (0.45) Overwork (0.5) Harder (0.2) Crafting (0.25) First Aid (0.1) Meditate (0.3) [b]Inventory:[/b] -none [/hider] [hider=Action Summary] Wakes up from Evolving. Feels like the body is familiar but still alien. Discovers Asteria's mum perched atop his head. Reassures her and tries to calm her down. Meditating and waiting for the pain to all end. [/hider]