Danny wasn't sure what to do Jason's message didn't seem to necessarily be bad but if he still wanted to kill Asura giving him mana crystals was just stupid. After a few seconds he spotted a small cluster of three crystals and missed Asura using rapiers in the process Somewhat reluctantly he flew in their direction, careful not to touch them. After thinking it over he decided that his next action would depend on what the Slimes were doing. If they either listened to reason and stopped fighting or if it seemed that the red Slime would try to kill Jason he would tear them out of the ceiling and use [b]Lesser Force[/b] to throw them at his friend. To make sure he didn't miss his cue he focused as much as he could on the two combatants. He was really hoping that things could be resolved peacefully, but he was also prepared to side with Jason if he had to. [hider=Current abilities] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Mana Orb I and II[/b] [*] [b] Lesser Force II[/b] [*] [b]Levitation[/b] [*] [b]Monster Analysis II[/b] [*] [b] Meditate I[/b] [*] [b] Mana Shape I[/b] [*] [b]Aqua Sphere I[/b] [/list] [/hider]